HowTo learn porting?


Very Active Member
Mar 22, 2012
Hi there.

I searched a bit around, but didn't find some sort of howto start proting things to the pandora.

If I understand it right, the chanse to get things ported to the pandora aren't bad, if I have a gpl licenced program.

I also have done a lot of GNU/Liux installations, system administrations and compiled some programs from scource to (sometimes without success, though).

Let's do an example:

The steps, as I understand it are: crosscomplie that thing and pack it to an .pnd file.

But the above are barly more than words to me, having compiled only bundled sonftware from a single dirctory, that I fond in some tarball.

So I need some hints where to start and find howtos to get known to this prosess (seting up my develop Linux PC, tutorials, like "hello world" crosscompiling tutorial and so on)
Here is something I wrote some time ago.

It's more for compiling on Pandora directly and today you would use cdevtools instead of the devextends, but the rest should be fine.
Thanks to that. But I have two kids and that means my amount of time getting hold of the pandora is limited ;-)

So the question is: Is there a emulator of the pandora, which runs on Linux Desktop. Somthing simmelar to this one for PalmPilots?:

EDIT (I know: search, ask. Not the other way round)
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Unfortunately no. But there is something like this for the Nokia n900. If something compiles for that platform without any nokia specific libs, it should run on Pandora easily. You won't be able to run pnds though, so a Pandora is necessary for final testing anyway.

Edit: If you Watt to learn crosscompiling for Pandora you might want to have a look at the yactfeau great.
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Just started reading you Tutorial. So first things first, setting up networking. So to me it's: getting WiFi to my router or use usb-to-ethernt Adapter. Which way do you use?
I used wifi but if you have big programs and need to test them and copy pnds back and forth maybe you want a wired connection.

As said before, you should use the cdevtools from the repo if you want to compile on the Pandora itself, not the outdated devextends.

Also you should get a newer pxml template from the wiki as a lot of stuff was added to the spec since then.

Basically if you know how to normally compile stuff, you should be fine. For shorter compilationtimes I would suggest using the yactfeau or ivanovics toolchain.
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