How To Unmount And Mount This..


Active Member
Hi guys,
Just wondering how I can run this shell command:

umount /mnt/sd
mount /mnt/sd -t vfat -o rw,sync,noatime,check=r

before running Dosbox on the Wiz

Its supposed to help me fix a few issues I have with some games saving properly.

Thanks in advance
I downloaded DosBox from, and I saw there's a script for run Duke 1.

You can change that script from :
#! /bin/sh
${DIRROOT}/dosbox -conf ${DIRGAME}/dosbox.conf
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu
#! /bin/sh
umount /mnt/sd 
mount /mnt/sd -t vfat -o rw,sync,noatime,check=r
${DIRROOT}/dosbox -conf ${DIRGAME}/dosbox.conf
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

Another way to do this is to rename "dosbox" file, eg. true_dosbox . You should then create a script named dosbox like this*:
#! /bin/sh
umount /mnt/sd 
mount /mnt/sd -t vfat -o rw,sync,noatime,check=r
BASEDIR=$(dirname $0)
${BASEDIR}/true_dosbox "$@"

*I haven't tried anything, as that Duke 1 doesn't work here.
Hey, thx guys for reminding me, why I loved my Amiga and why I was just laughing about the guys using a PC, back then(and you didn't even start to talk about EMS, XMS or what that crappy memory management was called).
Greetings from a self-confessing Amiga fanboy. :)
*I haven't tried anything, as that Duke 1 doesn't work here.


Hey Rodolpho, Nice to here from you !! Hope things have been well for you.
I got help from a linux forum to get the save problem fixed, now all is good.

Akabei: I was/am an Amiga fanboy as well and always wondered why many of my friends were "upgrading" to pc instead of Amiga's but now looking back I still want to play some good dos games like Ultima Savage empire and Martian Dreams on my Fun little Wiz :)