I wished I hadn't done this....I really really do...
My son is 3 years old....he's Thomas the tank engine daft. What did silly daddy do? He installed the Thomas game for the Megadrive and then stupidly showed little Ryan.
Now, when daddy picks up his beloved GP2x, Ryan says "Thomas on daddy". If daddy does not comply, the trembling bottom lip starts. If daddy isn't playing his GP2x, Ryan realises that its "free" and therefore wants to play Thomas on it. If daddy does not comply, the trembling bottom lip goes again.
As I write this, Ryan is sat on the sofa with mummy watching thomas (Ryan is also doing a pretty good job of controlling him too). Sending Thomas to "bed" brings on the trembling bottom lip again.
Daddy now has a trembling bottom lip.
My son is 3 years old....he's Thomas the tank engine daft. What did silly daddy do? He installed the Thomas game for the Megadrive and then stupidly showed little Ryan.
Now, when daddy picks up his beloved GP2x, Ryan says "Thomas on daddy". If daddy does not comply, the trembling bottom lip starts. If daddy isn't playing his GP2x, Ryan realises that its "free" and therefore wants to play Thomas on it. If daddy does not comply, the trembling bottom lip goes again.
As I write this, Ryan is sat on the sofa with mummy watching thomas (Ryan is also doing a pretty good job of controlling him too). Sending Thomas to "bed" brings on the trembling bottom lip again.
Daddy now has a trembling bottom lip.