How To Divide Files To Fat32 Folders?


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Nov 10, 2004
Sovjet Finland
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As you may know, the fat32 SMC's use limits the amout of files per folder to 255. Fine by me, but my problem is, I have hideous amounts of files on one single folder, and I would have to manually redistribute those files to NewFolder1-NewFolder232.

Do you happen to know any trick, or some mangement program to allow for more easier, automated relocating of files?
not sure why no one has answered you yet but since I first started coming to these boards anytime this type of topic is brought some guru eventually says.... don't format smc with fat32... it is just asking for trouble.. format with your gp32 in fat12 and you will keep your gp32 a happy handheld... but i know that's not the answer you want... I hope someone can answer you....
As it seems, my only SMC is FAT12, propably did format it with GPManager...

But doesn't that even lessen the number of files/folders?

I have couple of CF cards, formatted with FAT32, assumed the SMC would be the same... Live and learn. :)