How Much Is The F-200?

I am expecting it to drop to the price of the current "Value pack" and instead be released on its own, GPH is funny like that.

"New and Improved" is probably going to be the advertising, it should be the truth "Finally fixed all the stuff we should have 2 revisions ago"
Hopefully they wont increase the price much for just a d-pad and a touch screen.
They should have them made in China and blow them out for $120 USD.

The D-pad should actually be cheaper to make than buying that stick module. The pad is just a piece of plastic and a membrane, will cost pennies to make.
DaveC said:
They should have them made in China and blow them out for $120 USD.

The D-pad should actually be cheaper to make than buying that stick module. The pad is just a piece of plastic and a membrane, will cost pennies to make. you think they'll sell them for $120? I'm confused by the phrase you used.

If they're going to sell them THAT cheap, I'll just wait for the F-200 instead of buying a used one right now.
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Yrx said:
Wouldn't the touch screen drive up prices though?
I have a feeling that touch screens really don't cost that much more than an LCD.

And didn't someone say that they'd save money making a d-pad? Not sure where I heard that...

I have a feeling the prices of the components have gone down considerably since the last price drop. Hopefully the price will go down a lot.

But, then again they could be using these new features as an excuse to keep the price up.

Didn't the price drop once the value pack was released? Maybe the price will drop again. Hopefully they'll want to keep sales up by dropping the price.
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