Wrath Of Khan
Soul soother...
In case it interests anyone here.A guy on the amiga forums called the daddy has created a very nice looking a500/atari st style enclosure.
Mini itx boards fit in it and more. I will be putting an 'fpga arcade board' in it myself.(an fpga amiiga aga clone) It will be available for sale at some point if anyone wants to use it for a hardware project or something. Dunno if an atari firebee would fit in actually.
It looks quite professional.http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=36595&forum=33#684800
Mini itx boards fit in it and more. I will be putting an 'fpga arcade board' in it myself.(an fpga amiiga aga clone) It will be available for sale at some point if anyone wants to use it for a hardware project or something. Dunno if an atari firebee would fit in actually.
It looks quite professional.http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=36595&forum=33#684800