Still Fresh
- Joined
- Jul 26, 2004
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I got my ass flamed a couple of days ago, and someone figured out who I really was.. Sayquestionaskanswer I don’t log into that account any more because I think I got banned or something.
I just wanted to say wonderful job in flaming me guys, I was laughing my ass off, some guy asked if I was a dev... I’m not yet but I’m learning C... Oh and the Gizmondo will be open source. Oh and you idiot's that said pocket pc or palm is better then the Gizmondo do SOME fu----ing research. Gizmondo runs on windows CE so it's totally open for development.
I know the price is high but I still think that the gp32 price is high to. If there were more commercial gp32 games and if it could take higher mmc cards then it would be worth the value. I don’t care if you guys flame its actually funny as hell. Every time you guys flame me I just sit there and lmao. I think that people really try to act smart when there not.
People like that deserve to get beat on or something. I knew a guy that lived right next to me. He claimed he was a computer scientist and he promised me he would teach me programming. I finally discovered who he was when he couldn’t find the driver for his printer. WHAT KINDA IDIOT dosent know that. Also he was very slow and didn’t know how to do much.
He also claimed he had an A.I chip on his computer, is there an A.I chip ?a=Artificial I=Intelligence. He claimed that he could talk to his computer, which is possible but I never heard of an A.I chip. When I asked him what computer language he knew he said all. LmaO, THIS GUY WAS A REAL NUT JOB. You could tell he was an idiot, he rated machine's speed by how many gig's the hard drive had.
Every one thought he was smart thou he never proved it. I saw right through him thou. I’m still waiting for that programming lesson he promised me.
Oh by the way I have a very very good tutorial site if you want to learn c... It was impossible for me to program but not I know allot of basic functions and I'm working my way up slowly.
I said I was pissed at dev for trying to run Linux on the gp32 because like I said many times I think things are made for a purpose. (I know you guys are going to flame me for this comment) It like putting a truck engine on a bike. It just wont fit you guys think about it before flaming. Oh and one more thing flaming doesn’t prove that your smart, arguing with the person and interchanging opinions proves that your smart. Flaming just proves that you’re some fu-c--ing idiot that doesn’t have anything better to do.
Well thanks very much guys. Think about everything and I bet when your flaming away you’re going to think what the hell am I doing!!!!!
Oh PS Here’s the C tutorial site. Its perfect if you want to learn how to program
I just wanted to say wonderful job in flaming me guys, I was laughing my ass off, some guy asked if I was a dev... I’m not yet but I’m learning C... Oh and the Gizmondo will be open source. Oh and you idiot's that said pocket pc or palm is better then the Gizmondo do SOME fu----ing research. Gizmondo runs on windows CE so it's totally open for development.
I know the price is high but I still think that the gp32 price is high to. If there were more commercial gp32 games and if it could take higher mmc cards then it would be worth the value. I don’t care if you guys flame its actually funny as hell. Every time you guys flame me I just sit there and lmao. I think that people really try to act smart when there not.
People like that deserve to get beat on or something. I knew a guy that lived right next to me. He claimed he was a computer scientist and he promised me he would teach me programming. I finally discovered who he was when he couldn’t find the driver for his printer. WHAT KINDA IDIOT dosent know that. Also he was very slow and didn’t know how to do much.
He also claimed he had an A.I chip on his computer, is there an A.I chip ?a=Artificial I=Intelligence. He claimed that he could talk to his computer, which is possible but I never heard of an A.I chip. When I asked him what computer language he knew he said all. LmaO, THIS GUY WAS A REAL NUT JOB. You could tell he was an idiot, he rated machine's speed by how many gig's the hard drive had.
Every one thought he was smart thou he never proved it. I saw right through him thou. I’m still waiting for that programming lesson he promised me.
I said I was pissed at dev for trying to run Linux on the gp32 because like I said many times I think things are made for a purpose. (I know you guys are going to flame me for this comment) It like putting a truck engine on a bike. It just wont fit you guys think about it before flaming. Oh and one more thing flaming doesn’t prove that your smart, arguing with the person and interchanging opinions proves that your smart. Flaming just proves that you’re some fu-c--ing idiot that doesn’t have anything better to do.
Well thanks very much guys. Think about everything and I bet when your flaming away you’re going to think what the hell am I doing!!!!!
Oh PS Here’s the C tutorial site. Its perfect if you want to learn how to program