

Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
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i just received my gp32 2 days ago. Everything went fine but then , yesterday, this happens:

i was plaiyng doom and suddendly my gp32 went off! then , when i tried to power it up again, the gp32 logo appears and then it makes a really weird noise and shuts off!! :o

I dont think its the batteries, the light was still good (i own a FLU), i didn´t use an ac adaptor, i din´t flash the rom, what can it be?? I m really worried about the noise it makes when it shuts off!!

Can anyone help?? :huh:
Thanks a lot guys!!!

I will try new ones as soon as i get home.
I didn´t tought it could be the batteries cuz the light of the flu was still on and i read somewere that the light would turn off first and then the gp32. But any way, thank you :D
The first time my GP32's batteries died I thought it was imploding on itself. :unsure:

First the sound started crackling, then the screen started fading...

and I kept playing through it. :lol:

Even after your batteries 'die' you may still be able to play a game that uses a lower CPU speed. (like GB)
yes, it was a baterry problem. I just tought that the light would fade off first, and then the gp 32 would shut down. But this happened realyy quickly and i tought something was broken or something!!!! that was scary :P

anyway, i put on new batteries and voilá, good as new.

Thank you for your very useful help :D
Yeah, you get very affraid when the batteries dies the first time :D
The worst thing is when you play a game and you haven't saved it for a while and the batteries goes off.
It haven't happend to me yet, but I'm sure I would be damn angry!
It is kinda scary but I didnt jump to conclusions and just tried new ones and it worked

2000 Mha battries are too short need to find bigger ones(I play too much SNES w/ sound)
first time the batteries died on me i almost had a heart attack.. i was playing F-Zero and suddenly the picture split up into 4 pieces. then the gp32 rebooted and gave wiered sounds and the picture was all messed up.. puh...