Help! Pandora Radio

Still Fresh
Sep 17, 2008
I'm new to Pandora and I love it but hate it when it skips songs that I love! For no reason it just cuts off in the middle of a great song!! And it does this often. Is there a way to avoid this teasing?
lol pandora isn't out, yet. although I remember GP2X skipping MP3s and corrupting files for no reason.
He's talking about pandora internet radio. Although I'm not sure if this is a joke or not...

It's a great service (, but I can't use it at work because my work blocks internet radio services.
From what I heard, it was about to be forced out of existence by the RIAA anyway.
It's like:

On 27th of November 2008 the Pandora I ordered has finally arrived at my doorsteps. Excited I went up the stairs to receive it from the postman. His suspicious look at the name engraved on the box "Pandora" gave me a chill on the spine. He left and I took the box to the save premises of my basement. Slowly, with reverence I took the Pandora's box and curiously looking inside opened it. Suddenly a scary scream sounded in the distance and the electric lights went off. With my hands trembling I lighted a candle which was hidden in th drawer. Oh shouldn't I have done that, because the scene that appeared before my eyes was the worst nightmare that I've ever seen in my life. Numerous horribly deformed creatures were crawling out of the Pandora's box, reaching for me. Aghast I started to run away, climbing stairs, in stupor, my candle fell down on the floor. Reaching the outside door was the experience that made my hairs white, as you see it now. Outside the sun was no longer shining, and dark clouds were covering all the cityline. It is my failure that the world is like it is now, only because I have pre-ordered Pandora.