help out an aspiring gp32 coder


Mar 19, 2003
Ok i have had my gp32 for a few weeks now and I live the thing but I want to try my hand at coding for it. I know a bit of c++ but have no idea were to start with this thing. I need some good links to sites that will help me get ready to code for the gp32. I need info on how to get a programing envornment set up for it. Were to get the tools needed to code and how to set them up. Can I just use my C++ knowledge to program stuff for the gp32 or are there other languages that are needed to do the task. I am still fiarly new to progaming in general so any info would be a great help. I know a little cobol (bah) and a little more c++ and thats about it for now. I will have some time to take on a project and work on my programing skills this summer so hopefully if i can get things going I will have something to show for it by the end of the summer.
I'd be very appreciative of any info that anypone could give too. I'm just getting into C++, and have downloaded the SDK. I think all the basic libraries you need are in that, but I'm sure that others will be able to shed more light on this than me :-p
When I finally get my machine (looking like tomorrow now) I too am going to look at doing some development for it. I program for a living using C# and before that Delphi. Obviously neither of those are any use for the GP32 but many years ago I used to program in C/C++ so I'm sure I can refresh those parts of my old grey matter.

The first thing you should read is the GP32 Basic Manual for ARM SDT Developer

and you'll also need the GP32 API guide

Both of these will require some study and then its a case of experimenting with the SDK and seeing what you can come up with.

Lots of good info here too

Good luck :)
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I used to write stuff for the Amiga, and I've written stuff for the speccy and other machines, but never in C++. It's been years since I did any programming (my last thing was a computer shop stock system!), and it's great to be getting back into 'homebrew' applications again. I feel like this is the first platform where I have even the slightest chance of making a splash in years! So nice to feel wanted as an individual coder again. I have a way to go with my C++ skills yet, but I'm sure all you lot will be here to help me when I come up against some problem that is probably totally simple to you :rolleyes:

You can drop the ++ part from C++ as you'll program for the GP32 in just plain old C (and asm I suppose). The ++ part indicates the object-oriented extensions that were added to the C language way back when.
Youcan code in either C or C++ (or assembly, or pascal using the pascal frontend for gcc, or others, too).

The easiest setup for most people is to use CHN's devkitadv setup; do some googling.. he has a file you downlaod which includes a README on what else you need; it tells you where to find devkitadv (4 or 5 files). You just extract those, then extract CHN's stuff over top of it (to add the GP32 stuff over the GBA stuff), and voila, you're ready to go from the Windows "DOS" commandline. Easy. Take you abotu 20 mins to set up once you've got the files :) That gets you C/C++ setup start to finish.. you'll be able to generate gxb's.

If you want to emit fxe's, you'll need to get b2fxe which can convert gxb to fxe.

I've decided to update the GP32 CD to include all the development tools AND the GCC compiler + a getting starte guide on developing.

If anyone is after an updated copy for the dev tools/compiler CD just email me. I might also add the arm SDK 50 day trial if its truely freeware as its quite a nice GUI + the gamepark dev kit supports it.

*Gives Craig a big hug*

Sorry, im not normally moved to physicality like that, but you just rock. Simple as that :)
I'm about to start learning programming, mainly python but i'll be looking at C and C++ as it is what I need for my future :)