Help!! Can't Register On Entware Or Gp32 Website


Still Fresh
Jun 1, 2004
I don't know what I'm doin wrong but everytime I try to sign up to either the Joy GP/entware site or the official gp32 website I get a strange screen saying that there was an error. I tried using other PC's but it didn't work.

If anyone can help i'd be vey grateful

Cheers Warney
"Strange screen .... an error"

.. could you be a bit more ... specific?
Are cookies enabled on your browser, I know that can be a problem. Also, on entware send bada an email and he'll usually help you out! Gamepark is a different story, I don't think they have an English people ;)

on gamepark's site sign up to be in gpmania (or whatever it says) then you can download the authentication wizard and register.

Sorry if I couldn't help!