Have you lost faith in SONY Corporation or SONY Computer Entertainment?

Have you lost faith in SONY Corporation or SONY Computer Entertainment?

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When I think of Sony I think of the whole copyright issues. Some people don't realize how powerful Sony are. Lots of these corps are involved in certain regulations committees (Sony BMG, MPAA) and lobby for laws and buying off judges, as a result people getting sued and jailed and laws passed that limit people rights (France, UK, NZ, Australia). I already boycotted them long ago. I don't even need to mention their crap products and proprietary formats. And yes, it's bothersome having to explain to people why the SD card won't fit in their Sony camera or why they can't buy a third party harddrive/ram/battery to replace the failed one in their Sony laptop. Maddox wrote an article about Sony thats a good read too.
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^Yes, I used to buy all my peripherals from them, before Sony sued the crap out of them because of the PSP.

Do you imagine, they were sued because they were selling PSP - when everyone was buying a DS or two -
To be honest, not really. I think Sony products are too widespread to effectively boycott everything. If you were in a bar and they used a Sony sound system, would you leave? I wouldn't. Boycotting an entire companies products takes too much time and effort. Time and effort that I could spend doing a million things more productive.
Sony missed they're target date for PSN... So how long till they try to take Two MonthsTM away from us?
If to be honest, i never liked sony that much in the first place.

Recently, i actually thought about getting a ps3 one day since the homebrew scene following the jailbreak thing appeard to take a stronger root.

But ever since sony pulled off that Other OS bullcrap of theirs, which was eventually followed by the PSN hack, i rapidly changed my mind over time.

So i guess my vote is "Other".
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"Lost faith" implies that that one actually had faith to begin with. I have not. Ever since I began to care about what corporations do to their consumers, I have considered Sony to be at the bottom of the barrel; dregs of the earth. They put trojan horses on some of their cds disallowing legitimate users to rip those cds to rip those songs onto their computers.

They were warned in advance that their PlayStation Network was vulnerable to just this sort of attack, and they ignored the warning. They had plenty of time to try to fix their stupidity. Instead, they let the problem sit until their network was finally and inevitably attacked. Credit card and other personal information was stolen, because for some reason developer consoles had full access to that information. For a company that is batshit insane about DRM, they have a funny way of protecting their customers. Plaintext is remarkably easy to view. Over, what was it, 500,000 files containing personal info were stolen? That's more than what Wikileaks has released through Cablegate. The files were not encrypted in any way, except for maybe being sent through https/ssl. That's not encryption, that just prevents man-in-the-middle or eavesdropping attacks, and even then not that well.

Sony are absolutely corrupt, greedy, incompetent buffoons. I will not and have not bought a product for them for around two or three years, and plan to keep it that way. Anyone who supports them with this knowledge supports stupidity and insecurity.