Happy New Year 2015 - Year of DragonBox Pyra

Happy 2015 to all, and be careful on the roads. People drive like loonies this time of year.
Happy 2015 everyone.

As for the title of this thread, I hope so, but I am not counting on it.
2015 - Year of the Hover Boards and flying Cars and power lacing Shoes! :D
I made a reference to that film the other day when talking about what to expect next year, and the woman I was talking to didn't get it.  I then mentioned the film.  She still didn't understand.  After spoon feeding her the details I decided that since this is the third time I have had this happen in recent months maybe I should stop.  I was planning on picking up one of the replica caps like he wore, but decided against it since so few people would get it, and it doesn't really fit with how I dress.
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2015 - Year of the Hover Boards and flying Cars and power lacing Shoes! :D
I made a reference to that film the other day when talking about what to expect next year, and the woman I was talking to didn't get it.  I then mentioned the film.  She still didn't understand.  After spoon feeding her the details I decided that since this is the third time I have had this happen in recent months maybe I should stop.  I was planning on picking up one of the replica caps like he wore, but decided against it since so few people would get it, and it doesn't really fit with how I dress.
WOOT? There are People that don't know the BTTF Movies?!?!  :o   Hello McFly, anybody home?  *knocks their heads*   :rolleyes:

Yupp, there are pretty decent replica Caps available. I personaly would prefer the shoes but they are harder to get. At least they are officialy available (without power lacing yet)


Even harder to get is the 2015 jacket, all custom made and afaik fans don't have made a really accurate replica yet. Marty's 1985 Jeans Jacket is also pretty unique. It's easier to get an Hoverboard actualy. :D
I looked around at a bunch of the replica props, and the prices of most things are a bit too expensive for me for things I won't actually use.  I would go for the 2015 jacket, or maybe make my own, but I am so picky I don't think anything would be close enough to make me happy other than the original, and that would be too small for me (in the concept for it I wonder if the body is supposed to automatically adjust to properly fit the wearer).  The shoes are pretty cool, but I am so rough on things on my feet that I would destroy them within a few hours.  I was never too fond of the 1985 stuff, or the 1955 clothes, but I wouldn't mind some of George McFly's magazines (actually, I would probably have gotten along with him, not to mention that I think Crispin Glover is wonderful).  I always thought the 2015 and 1885 stuff was more interesting.  I still do.  Maybe it is because I was actually around in the 1980s, and the 50s through the 80s is a period that does not appeal to me too much.
careful on the roads
Roads? Where we are going, we do not need roads!

while(2015) {printf "Happy new year all!\n";}



sleep($GW); kill ppid();
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Happy new year! May it bring us pyras and lots of fun software!
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