Green Throttle - Ouya Competitor (uses your smart phone -> tv + BT controllers)

Nothing you couldn't do with a hacked wiimote and a hdmi tv out ... Oh and rooted android device .
What 2bit said. :P

And most of the android games are "5 minutes time killers" style of games, not the kind I want to play on a big TV for hours…

Moreover, when you release a game for the PS3/XBOX360/Wii/whatever platform, all the PS3/XBOX360/Wii/whatever use the same hardware (more or less, the variations are minor).

That's not true on an android device, the hardware has so many varieties that it's impossible to fine tune your game to use the platform to its full potential.

The Ouya (even if I have some doubts about using the bloated android for a game console) choose the right way. All the Ouya's are going to have the same hardware, the games can be fine tuned for that hardware.
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