Gpsp Zelda Minish Cap - Freezing


Still Fresh
Jul 4, 2009
gpSP 0.9-2Xb-u6

Zelda Minish Cap freezes always in the same place - Dark Hyrule Castle, just after entering the first room with tornadoes (which is like 95% of the game :angry: . I found on the net that people using vampnet (or smthng) for mobiles had exactly the same problem. Usually everyone says "emulator problem", but it seems a bit weird the same problem appears in the same place on two differenmt emus. And if I load the battery save from the gpSP on PC EMU it works fine. Any ideas? (but not "finish the game on pc") :]
Yup, sorry but that's a very known bug around here and has been reported many times already. And if you use the search function you'll see why saying "not "finish the game on PC"" is pretty much useless. :P

So, finish the game on PC! ;)
I played the game last year using pocket gba for windows mobile and same thing happened. Let us know if you find a way past it. I was hoping to play the game again when I got my Wiz, but if it has the same problem I probably won't bother.
Other emulators are having the same problem eh? Not that I'm really surprised, it requires correct BIOS or open address emulation. Or maybe both. Probably the former isn't working on gpSP for ARM, not the latter.