Gpmagazine Jpg Edition Here

If I'm honest I thought it was pretty poor.

But it was the first one and I'm sure you'll get better with each issue.
Zen posted on Mar 17 2004 at 09:36 PM said:
If I'm honest I thought it was pretty poor.

But it was the first one and I'm sure you'll get better with each issue.
Thank you for your honesty. If there are any more issues then it will get better I swear:)

I'm thinking of revising issue one and changing the format a bit and tidying it up. I've got the next two days off college and work due to a minor foot op and I can't see what else I'm gonna do, so I may do it then.

Or maybe I'll lie in bed and play Paper Mario. Eh.

And anyone...write in! The more letters the better-I might even add some to the revised version.
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You know, I like the white background better than the blue... :P

As for the mag, here's my extensive review: :D

Good parts: Great writing
Good Comparisons of Games and Reviews
Nice Layout
Lots of stuff

Bad parts: Horrible grammar and spelling
Not-so-good Design (different from layout)

For me actually, the interviews were the least interesting bit for some reason. They weren't bad, but I liked your writing more. :)

P.S. If you'd like, I can proof-read any future editions; I'm a bit a of a spelling/grammar Nazi, and I'm going to read the mag anyway later on, so it won't be any trouble for me. Tell me if you're interested. :mellow:
You've done really nice work with the magazine Mark. Just things you should keep in eye for the next issue's

* the blue looks sweet in the background, but is probably not the best option if someone really wants to print the magazine onto paper. use black text and a light background. this would be much better to read and print.
* add hmmm don't know the english word for it :) in german you would say "blocksatz". if you are familar with m$ word... it's an option that a textblock uses the same width. this would look much nicer.
* the index page (3) is not complete :)
* the layout could be a little better :) maybe you can get a graphician doing some standard stuff for you like "review" buttons etc instead of plain text which is a bit moved.

hmmkay.. don't understand me wrong. i really enjoy your work but i guess you can't do much with wrong freedback :) otherwise... that's so far. hope to see a fixed issue of #1 specially witht the background stuff so i can print it and show it to a few friends :)

in short my feedback would be ... one thumb up :) if the stuff i mentioned is fixed you'll even get two thumbs up plus a donation :)
Kojote posted on Mar 19 2004 at 08:43 AM said:
add hmmm don't know the english word for it :) in german you would say "blocksatz". if you are familar with m$ word... it's an option that a textblock uses the same width. this would look much nicer.
justified text?
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Right, the new design is ready as a PDF and alot of spelling errors have been corrected:) This is the final version of The First Issue. The website has been made and is ready for uploading once a few people get back to me-it isn't the best lookig site ever seen but it's more than functional. I'm serouisly considering releasing a second issue in the three months, to make 4 every year.
Hey Mark, just wondering if u wanted a web address, since i like ure magzine so much i can donate u Its web redirection and also email too, and if u wanted a hand designing the web page i could do that too.

Hit me back