I simply can't get gpdrive to work on my gp32. I've tried the normal gpdrive, and it's supposed to be built in with gpmad mp3, but my gp32 doesn't show up as a removable drive in windows.
You won't need it for xp. Try doing different combinations of plugging in the gamepark/booting into the software. I've only tried to use it a couple of times as I'm on windows 98 and it doesn't really like it. I think the only way I got it to work was to boot the program, wait for everything to load, then plug in the cable and wait a few seconds for it to register it. That was it I think.
Someone with windows xp will most likely be of more help though. Sorry .
yup, Dozer's right. plug the usb into your comp, run the gpdrive fxe one the gp, and after its been loaded plug the other end of the usb into the gp32_console
Oh- and dont forget to press select when your done to exit the program and write everything to your smc, otherwise it wont work!
Also, for GPDrive functionality built into GPMADMp3, you need to navigate to the file transfer screen. Press select + left shoulder button a few times until you reach that screen.