Gpcinema Help


Still Fresh
Mar 9, 2004
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Hi everybody.

I downloaded gpcinema a few days ago. I tested the matrix trailer, it runs veeeeeery good!!! I was surprised with the high quality of the rip and the smoothness.

Here´s the thing, i wanted to do my own rips, i used virtual dub, tried with a bunch of settings for the rip (found a guide here and another guides on some other net pages) but i can´t seem to compress a 700mb movie into a 128smc card!!!
I looked around in the internet and i found just a few elinks and the movies are always 88mb or 70mb or 100mb .

Another thing, the video runs fine at 133mhz 24fps, but the sound is choppy, i use the mpeg3 layer 32kb-11,0025khz setting, that should be more than enough right? But the soound doens´t come out good.

Anyway, sorry for this loooooong post and i really hope anybody can gimme some highlights on this.

By the way, thos f**** elinks are always down!! Does anybody know a good page with workable elinks for gp32divx movies?

Thanks in advance
Those are some of the settings that a use!!
But i can´t get it compressed to fit.

How those guys do the encoding to fit a film like the matrix on 80mb???

AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnndddddddd with good sound? Mine is cracky. Possible reason??
Lontra99 posted on May 17 2004 at 10:31 AM said:
Those are some of the settings that a use!!
But i can´t get it compressed to fit.

How those guys do the encoding to fit a film like the matrix on 80mb???

AAAAAAAAnnnnnnnndddddddd with good sound? Mine is cracky. Possible reason??
Matrix needs good quality and a few frames more than (for example) Southpark or an Anime. Have you tried to encode it in 128 kps bitrate allready ?
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Yes i did. Its just how i told you guys. I compress the videos (ok, they are a bit large but thats the least) but the sound is choppy and it´s always cracking!

I encoded fight club (final size 156mb!!) . Picture quality is awsome but the sound...... i just have to turn it off, its f****** horrible

I used the mpeg3 layers 32kb-11,0025khz (has shown on the matrix trailer) and stil isn´t good. :angry:

Can anybody tell some good sound settings for compression and conversion please?

I can usualy get 1 30 hr watchable in t 60 mb

decimate framerate by 3
sonud 8/16 bit mono 11,050hz
and a resize filter..

On the resize filter, what do you use?? Bilinear, precise bilinear..... can u gimme a hint please.

I wish there a complete guide for this was available, specific, you know?? Cuz there are many options when encoding a clip. I tried several ones but still.....

Did anyone enconded a 1h50/2h clip on apr. 80/90mb with good working non cracky sound?

If yes, please, share the vdub settings , im going insane!!!!!! :blink:
Have you tried overclocking to 150 or 166?

When you on the fileselection screen on GP Cinema, hit the R button a few times to up the CPU speed.

That may help with the sound.
Um... The framerate is way to high. Bring it down to 20 or 17 depending on your cpu speed. The bitrate, fps, and cpu speed make a huge difference. Try samples of fast action clips and encode at different framerates to see how far you can lower it without you noticing much. Then keep the bitrate below 400kbps (shouldn't be a problem with long movies). Then overclock as far as you can. Also keep the sound at max 64kps stereo.
use vb 2pass and set the goal size at arround 90mb, use the left space for sound,

ps: and dont forget we have a search funktion! :-)
I u can waiting till 3ish I`ll email my settings file - that way u can just load up the settings file open the video file and away you go

I get about 1meg per minute with perfectly watchable AND listenable quality

If u want them PM me your address and I`ll email to you we i get home in a hour or so

This is the kind of help i was hoping to find here :)

If anyone else have some vdub settings and doesn´t mind sharing them, please, fell free to do it.

Once again, thank you for all the help everyone :D