Gpcinema Error


Mar 30, 2004
I load it up for the first time and it works.Then i use select+L to exit and every time after that it crashes.
What firmware are you currently using? Gpcinema wont work by lauching it through the origional firmware, but you can use windups or yafl to lauch it without flashing ;)
I assume by that u mean you are using the origional firmware? Personally i prefer yafl. If you do a bit of searching youll easily find it (Ill look though)
found the wind up.Thanks for the telling me.Does any one have the Vdubb settings the need the files need to be on?
there are a number of tutorials available (, for example, has one). I reccomend searching a bit- there have been dozens of threads dedicated to ideal settings for v-dub. On the downloads page, also, there is a download for v-dub settings. It really depends on what your encoding. Animation requires a much lower bitrate than live action. I'm sorry this post couldnt be more helpful but honestly if you do a bit of digging on this site youl get all your answers.
triksR4rabits posted on May 19 2004 at 12:54 AM said:
What firmware are you currently using? Gpcinema wont work by lauching it through the origional firmware, but you can use windups or yafl to lauch it without flashing ;)
I've never upgraded my Firmware (and I've had my GP32 for 2 years) and GP Cinema still works fine and I don't need to launch it via Windups.
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The newly relesed version of gpcinema is a bit different ;) . You NEED either a new firmware or launch it through another program to use it
When ever i get to the video i want to watch,I press down to select it. And it just do I go about fixing that?