Gp32x File Archive Is Gone...


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
... fishing ;)
No, not at all :)

The server is down once again at the moment (that's why frontpage also stops loading atm).

But fear not, as I already ordered a new server (yes, finally, my OWN server :) I can do what I want with it!), so it's gonna move within the next weeks :)
Then the server problems should be eliminated :)
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... fishing ;)
No, not at all :)

The server is down once again at the moment (that's why frontpage also stops loading atm).

This is just great. Just 30 mins ago somehow the cardreader destroyed my SMC and now the possibilty to get all the emus again is gone for weeks? :-O

I am a lucky guy.
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though the file archive is EXCELLENT, it is not the only option to download GP32 stuff, you can still go to the authors web sites to download the emulators you want.
though the file archive is EXCELLENT, it is not the only option to download GP32 stuff, you can still go to the authors web sites to download the emulators you want.

And it's not GONE for weeks, the server is just down atm and I'm moving it in a few weeks.
Hopefully, the old server will be up soon - I don't plan having it offline until I move ;)
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Well, you can have your own server, too... you just need to pay it ;)
I also have to pay for it :P

It looks like I can move the archive this week...