Gp2xpectrum 1.3


Still Fresh
After this week's DSP emulator update, I've taken a look at that Z80 Exerciser, and fixed several flags bugs, a bug I've detected in DAA and even a bug loading the z80 file from that page. Also, as I finally received the official blessings from Hermes more than a month ago, I've decided to call this version the final 1.3:

What's new from 1.3b3:
- Fixed a bug when loading some .z80 files with version 1.45 .
- Fixed a bug on DAA instruction.
- Fixed flags behaviour for several instructions: BIT*, CPI, SBC & SCF.

* > BIT n,(HL) is still not perfect, since it doesn't use the MEMPTR hidden register, but I don't think emulating it is worth the effort.
to have an update to what i thought was a perfect emulator already is f##king awesome , thanks...;)