Gp2x Video Support

  • Thread starter Thread starter Goemon4
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ok i have a bunch of mkv files around and want to encode them, my encoder only encodes to mp4 and h.264 (mp4's) my question is are those supported video files or do i have to ecode them to something else (cause they all equal up to 2 or so gigs and i want to keep them small)

According to, the only video container that is supported is AVI compressed with DivX 3/4/5/6 and XviD codecs. That is only official for firmware version 2.0, but the information on that site may also be out of date. Please do note that has homebrew that is hoping to expand such limitations, whatever they really be.

There are programs online that are free and easy to obtain for converting your videos to the limitations of gp2x. I have learned that the ease of conversion depends on the level of control you want with your media. I frequently go to for all of my video converting needs. There are plenty of tutorials that are moderately up to date.

Furthermore, there are some additional attributes to GP2X that you must consider. I usually reference to, but that, again, may also be inaccurate. Ask more questions, I hope that I will be answer them. I actually got my gp2x yesterday, so there is much to learn.
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hmmm so i have to use avi's (i hate avi's!) oh well any ideas for a good app on a mac that can encode mkv's (or omg, or was it ogm) to avi's?

Goemon4 posted on Aug 10 2006 at 04:12 AM said:
hmmm so i have to use avi's (i hate avi's!) oh well any ideas for a good app on a mac that can encode mkv's (or omg, or was it ogm) to avi's?


Try using ffmpegX it should do the trick
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omg's are to big (26 episodes of s-cry-ed= 5.5 gigs) and i will try ffmpegX (i realized you dont have to pay for it to get most of the features it provides) so ima start converting them now

Goemon4 posted on Aug 10 2006 at 08:03 AM said:
omg's are to big (26 episodes of s-cry-ed= 5.5 gigs) and i will try ffmpegX (i realized you dont have to pay for it to get most of the features it provides) so ima start converting them now

you also might want to note that if your not going to use a tv-out and display it on a tv, the resolution of the video on the gp2x can be alot smaller. I can't remember but if you search the forum it will tell you. Also I use pocketdivx encoder to re-encode videos and it has never failed me. Once again check the forum for the proper settings if you use it. I'm not sure if it will encode from mkv though :(. Has anyone ever tried renaming mkv to avi and seen if they will play?
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Vive can make converting video files a lot easier on a Linux system if you need it? (didn't say what system you were using).
It's a GUI for ffmpeg & already has presets for iPod Video & PSP. If we're nice to the developer, maybe he'll include presets for the 2x & make things easier for a lot of us :)
oqnet posted on Aug 10 2006 at 12:10 PM said:
Goemon4 posted on Aug 10 2006 at 08:03 AM said:
omg's are to big (26 episodes of s-cry-ed= 5.5 gigs) and i will try ffmpegX (i realized you dont have to pay for it to get most of the features it provides) so ima start converting them now

you also might want to note that if your not going to use a tv-out and display it on a tv, the resolution of the video on the gp2x can be alot smaller. I can't remember but if you search the forum it will tell you. Also I use pocketdivx encoder to re-encode videos and it has never failed me. Once again check the forum for the proper settings if you use it. I'm not sure if it will encode from mkv though :(. Has anyone ever tried renaming mkv to avi and seen if they will play?

well i found alternitaves (omg) since the mkv's sucked (all in japanese!) so ima try ogm's with ffmpegx..also will any avi work (uncompressed, compressed etc)

Vive can make converting video files a lot easier on a Linux system if you need it? (didn't say what system you were using).
It's a GUI for ffmpeg & already has presets for iPod Video & PSP. If we're nice to the developer, maybe he'll include presets for the 2x & make things easier for a lot of us

im on a mac but i have a linux comp (hmm ive been looking for a good video encoder for linux) ty for the link
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The best program to use is called SUPER I've been using this program for many months. you can turn any container into just about any other container you want.

mp4 to avi, 3pg to avi, or avi to 3pg, mepg to avi or avi to mpeg. I think you get the picture. Just about anything you want it can do.

All you have to do is just drag & drop the file you want to convert and press encode. a 22.min ep is just 5 mins to encode. It's the easiest program I've ever used in my life.
the only DL i could find was for windows (sry if it was unclear but i only have a mac and linux comp) hmmm i wonder if it could run under wine?