Gp2x Power Adapter


Certified Guru
Jan 31, 2008
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I've just received a nice shiny GP2X F100 from Vilmos (Cheers :D) and (being a total noob with these things) I have a power supply query.

I've done a quick search on here and found this -
which has given me a few possibilities to purchase an adapter here in the UK.

However, while routing around in a box of plugs and adapters from various electronic gizmos and gadgets over time I found this -


Now, I'm not averse to paying for a new adapter, but I wondered if this would be sufficient to power the GP2X without -

a. Killing it
b. Killing me
c. Fusing my house

The adapter fits the GP2X, but I don't want to plug it in due to any or all of the above. If c) occurred then my wife would kill me anyway! :P

Does anyone know, or would it be much better just to pop along to my local Maplins and buy a new one?
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Thanks NickLoTurco and Lurkio. That wiki link points to the same adapter I highlighted (as suggested) - I did say that I was a noob at these things :P I'm used to just plugging in whatever came with the machine and not worrying :)

It still means nothing to me, but I'm sure the information will be useful once I get it in the morning :)

300mAh is a waste of time, you need a fair bit over 1 amp.

An alternative to getting "the right mains adapter" and having the power-in plug in its very awkward place, is to make a dummy which fits in the battery compartment and connects to the positive and negative battery terminals, with wires leading to an external power source. That would mean you could change the batteries for mains power using the same space at the rear of the case. If you can't get a 3v adapter, you could use a supply 7v-25v and use a step-down regulator (with resistor and capacitor as needed) to bring the voltage to 3v. The black wire with a white stripe on an adapter is positive, the black wire is negative.
Thanks for that, but I'm a total noob where these things are concerened and your advice (although undoubtedly excellent), would probably lead me to one of my 3 options as listed above) ie.

a. Killing it
b. Killing me
c. Fusing my house


I've just been out to Argos and bought an adapter and some recharcgable batteries for when I'm unable to use the PSU. Fingers crossed that I don't do any of the above when I plug it in.

Thanks for the assistance averyone. Now...

[EDIT] It all worked and without any of the above occurring. Job's a good 'un :D
Hey, thought id add that im using the 6.99 argos adaptor with my F200 and the connection is not very snug...any slight nudge and it disconnects and flicks back on, ive currently got some bluetack holding it firmly in place!!
Id seriously consider the official adaptor if you have the F200...
I've got an F100 and the £15.00 adapter (they'd sold out of the £7.00 one). Seems to fit OK, although I haven't had much time to test it :(

I also found a similar multi-adapter in Tesco for about £7.00 (after I'd already purchased the Argos one).

It would seem that there are several options. :)

As to the official adapter, I contacted GP2X Sales (the official UK site) and they stated -

We don't stock the official adaptor. Most of our customers and ourselves use the Masterplug multi-voltage psu, set to 3v. This can be purchased from Argos or Maplins, approximate price £6.99. There is also information on PSUs on the forums at Hope that helps.

Kind regards

I did try to get an official one, but they recommended (and use) the same ones from Argos and Maplins (who were my first port of call and strangely didn't have any that would suit my needs).
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