Gp2x Multiplayer


Still Fresh
Feb 6, 2007
I was wondering can the Gp2x get multiplayer between 2 Gp2x's?
An is there anyway for the Gp2x get one the internet?
The reasons I ask this question because I have a NDS I like Homebrew and other apps...
(Working on getting decent bluetooth and Wifi working) :ph34r:

Could in theory do it from a usb host to a usb slave via usb networking, it would be a good start. Q. What games that should have multiplayer are there - Quake?

Btw the bluetooth is definitely on the 2.4 kernel - and its a good deal lower power than Wifi. 100m range on class 1 V2. peer to peer, 20m range on Class2 v2 or V1.2 peer to peer and 10m range to V1.2 client like head set, mouse, keyboard.

Just wondering has anyone run software from the Sharp Zaurus Xscale on the GP2x - there was apparently a port of the bluetooth tools for that. (the Xscale uses arm instructions as far as I know).

I'll have plenty of opportunity to test this out, I have three gp2x's heading my way.. Need network enabled games though. Sending pings back and forth gets boring after a while.
As I've often said - LiquidWar is networked multiplayer, it will connect to the internet servers "out of the box".

You can connect to a PC if you edit the ip address in the config file.

There is also a server for the gp2x which is contained in the archive but you'll need a script or telnet to run it.
i have 3 GP-LINK devices... (with default GP32 EXT plug)

u know, those RF-LINK from old GP32 8)

i used to code multiplayer for gp32 with thopse RF-link thingies.
and it worked
hey Thanks Parky. This should be useful to try stuff out. Now that you mention it I remember you mentioning this before... :)

Now back to breaking my brains with linux stuff... Been learning a lot these past few days... And I still have to get wifi working...
You know what I'd like? Gameboy link cable emulation so I could complete my Pokemon collection ;)
Whoa, Don Miguel, long time no see.

Is FaMe Soft taking any interest in the new gp2x?

Maybe a port of Super Plusha?

Zeladin posted on Feb 6 2007 at 04:41 AM said:
(Working on getting decent bluetooth and Wifi working) :ph34r:
Btw the bluetooth is definitely on the 2.4 kernel - and its a good deal lower power than Wifi. 100m range on class 1 V2. peer to peer, 20m range on Class2 v2 or V1.2 peer to peer and 10m range to V1.2 client like head set, mouse, keyboard.

Well I saw this. It uses 3.3v at 100ma, the same as what the GP2X puts out of the EXT port. I think it should work... *hopes for GP2X multiplayer/online apps* :)

EDIT: Oooh, at only $9.99 too. (quality control, anyone? :) )
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Out of curiosity, anybody get these working?,0,0,0,19,1828

Readme is somewhat scant. Doesn't say which bluetooth devices are supported...

Oh yeah and there are two usb hosts on the ext connector, one can be programmed to be a device, which means in theory that korean photoshop job could work with appropriate usb network support, and some programming of a usb host port. -Pity it comes out the bottom though.
I really like the Gp2x...And I want to use it for Gaming and Internet and Probably movies to since it takes SD Cards