Gp2x Mk2: Which Issues Are Really Fixed?


Still Fresh
Sep 26, 2005
According to Gamershell:

Admittedly the GP2X has been on the market for a while, but the recently released mk2 fixes many of the less than ideal issues and generally improves things like battery life and so on.

This are the changes according to Play-Asia:

-New display
-Larger (more grippy) joystick cap
-Firmware V2

So what are really the fixes and improvements? (thinking of the joystick issue for example)
The joystick issue is mostly subjective no matter what some people will have you believe. In fact I'll go as far as saying anyone that has a major problem with it has nothing but their own ability to blame.
Actually, I was playing duke3d on a psp yesterday and I found it was hard to steer than my gp2x joystick.

The gap between each directional button was too big, the gp2x there is no gap.
I'd like to find what everyone has to complain up to the stick. It works perfectly for each type of game I play... You need to take the habitude and it works well..

Anyway, That my oppinion !

I've had some problems with the stick's throw in the Sonic 2 bonus stages, but that's about it. I'd prefer a D-pad but it works better than most people give it credit for. I'm more worried about its reliability than how it handles.

I have a first edition, btw, so the experience is likely improved with the Mk2s.
well i think the stick is ok-ish. ive had difficulty in boulderdash/c64 and some others... for things like vektar, no probs at all.. but trying to hit the right hor/vert lines for boulderdash has been driving me insance.. too easy to hit directions i dont want.
My issue with the stock stick is how easily it's dis-located. I've knocked the stick loose 3 times, so far. I'm 100% positive it's going to break for good at some point. The throw distance is somewhat of an issue, too.

It was a poor choice on GPH's part. It's a low quality, "off the shelf" part that's not intended for gaming, and that's a fact, regardless of how well you may think it performs in the role.

Now, do I regret getting mine? No, I'd buy it again. It's a great little system.
YakumoFuji posted on Oct 25 2006 at 11:20 PM said:
well i think the stick is ok-ish. ive had difficulty in boulderdash/c64 and some others... for things like vektar, no probs at all.. but trying to hit the right hor/vert lines for boulderdash has been driving me insance.. too easy to hit directions i dont want.

That is the diagonal bias. It has been fixed now. Not an issue that the OP needs to worry about, unless he buys a used M1.

The dead zone is really the only problem now. It is not horrible, it is useable just not the best that it could have been.


The screen has better contrast now (the older one was kind of washed out), and FW 2.o boots fast and has less bugs.
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