Gp2x Bor Mod Compatibility?


Still Fresh
May 9, 2005
I'm looking for a compatibility list for BOR MODS on the GP2X - does such a list exist already?

Also, is it possible that any of the mods from Bor Revolution ( will work on the GP2X, or am I wasting my time if I down them?

Apologies if this has already been dealt with before, but I've had a search and can't find anything on the subject.
Well, from borrev i trief KillBill and that worked perfect till the end.
However, Dragons Of Rage crashes (=loads forever) after the first level, in openbor even before (!) the endboss, in the first bor port you can at least defeat the endboss...
The comic book character thats a vikking and starts with an "a". That mod works (i forgot the name of it)
thanks i had acutally been to that site earlier but there wasn't much on there. now they seem to have a list of all the mods grouped by whether they use open bor or another bor engine plus info on certain mods. over time this site looks like it will have everything bor mod related covered.
I mostly play only to the original or, so if instead of saying the things here you tell me which mods do NOT work I will be able to try to get them working...