GP2X Gp2x 16bit Or 8bit Colour Depth


Certified Guru
Oct 15, 2006
Hi there, I'm starting work on my first Fenix game for GP2X and was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice about which colour depth is the fastest 8bit or 16 bit.
I was originally going to use 8bit assuming that would be faster but I'm sure I read somewhere that on the GP2X 16bit is faster as it doesn't support 8bit so has to convert to 16 bit on the fly (this could all be false I read it on another forum a few days ago).
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
ruckage posted on Dec 2 2006 at 03:59 PM said:
Hi there, I'm starting work on my first Fenix game for GP2X and was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice about which colour depth is the fastest 8bit or 16 bit.
I was originally going to use 8bit assuming that would be faster but I'm sure I read somewhere that on the GP2X 16bit is faster as it doesn't support 8bit so has to convert to 16 bit on the fly (this could all be false I read it on another forum a few days ago).
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I'm not enitrely sure, but I don't *think* that this is true. Maybe Moogle or someone could clear this up?
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Check out the forum, somewhere I remember someone converting everything over to 8 bit, for the reason of speed. Can't find it myself, and was for a gp32 game, but the problem should be the same.
mth411 posted on Dec 2 2006 at 10:18 PM said:
Check out the forum, somewhere I remember someone converting everything over to 8 bit, for the reason of speed. Can't find it myself, and was for a gp32 game, but the problem should be the same.

Thanks for the replies,

I know it's faster on the GP32 (as it is in windows too). The post I saw said that the reason 8bit was slower on Gp2x was due to it running linux and that linux didn't support 8bit mode. I'll have a hunt around and see If I can find the forum I found the info on. Might end up doing some tests myself to compare.
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Surely, 8 bit is faster (never heard of anything like what you said about the gp2x converting fenix to 8 bit on the fly o.O). But 16 bit surely is more fun to code in, it just looks so much nicer, and it shouldnt be *that* much slower on the gp2x.
So I`d recommend using 16 bit, if you are not going for a game full of extensive use of effects n stuff =D
Quiest posted on Dec 3 2006 at 10:30 PM said:
Surely, 8 bit is faster (never heard of anything like what you said about the gp2x converting fenix to 8 bit on the fly o.O). But 16 bit surely is more fun to code in, it just looks so much nicer, and it shouldnt be *that* much slower on the gp2x.
So I`d recommend using 16 bit, if you are not going for a game full of extensive use of effects n stuff =D
Must admit I couldn't believe that was true, I was always sure 8bit was faster as well. Decided to go for 8bit for my first project anyway as i might want to do some colour cycling etc. This is where my next problem comes in.......

Converted my sprites to all use the same colour palette, used one of the newly created sprites as the pallete file for FPGedit and it looked exactly as I made it. loaded my sprite and the colours were wrong, it appeared as if FPG edit had remapped it. Any ideas what could be going wrong - even put all the sprites in one image to be sure that they did actually share the same palette but still didn't work correctly.
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I had the same problem. I don't know if this was the case for you, but after I converted all my graphics to be 256 colors and use the same palette, I made the FPG as an 8-bit and loaded my palette that I saved from Paint Shop. This fixed it for me. Also if you load a font, it messes up the palette in 8-bit mode.


(Edit spelling)