Gp Final War 0.6 (howto Get Oil/gas?)


Still Fresh
Nov 13, 2003
i downloaded the 0.6 of gp final war.
great release, good graphics, good sound, top speed.
but i dont know how to get oil!
i build the buildings needed to build derricks, ok.
then i build some oil containers, whatever and the derricks.
i place the derricks somewhere and they just wont start to work!
where do i have to place them and how do i get them to grow oil?
Oil dousn't grow :P
There are tiny brown/black blotches on each map. Place a derick (preferably a mobile one cuz they can get kinda far) over the blotch and once its reached its destination you will be able to expand the structure (just put the cursor over it and push "A", just like you do initially with your base)

Pic of the oil tile on this thread. Its posted by mATkEUpON himself :)

EDIT: good job Octavious :D
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yeah. I noticed from red alert 1. Are the voices from that aswell? Mine are from th classic original :ph34r: I am stealthy music from game remover person who doesn't speak good english :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
How do you get more money without having to sell what i've already built??
Find an oil spill (looks like a black stick) and build a gas pump ontop. Better yet, make a mobile gas pump and move it to the location. They run out of oil eventually, so you'll have to keep finding new sources.

So you'll have to build (presuming you're double helix): power plant, radar, war factory then a gas pump. You'll find you're able to build much larger forces this way. Kick ass!

Another Q: how do you move a mobile gas pump once it's been settled? Do I have to sell it (damn half price rip-off!)?
I can't understand how to gain money with EAX in Gpfinalwar, I am doing just like I am with double helix but it won't work :(
:o great scot!!!! build a light war factory!!!!!

again great scott. My gp32 reached 88.8mph and my new 2300nimh rechargables generated 21.1 gigawatts of electricity and accidentally pulled me through time. Only some one else went back and time and removed all posts of how to get money in gp final war!!! I must once again go back to the future to stop evil dragon going back in time and taking revenge because he couldn't finish the capaign!

Heres a small guide i made:

Here´s my guide for the EAX team:
You will always start with a few units and a "mobile construction yard".
Select the "Mobile cont." and when you see 4 small yellow arrows click again A and the " Mobile con." will be a normal "construction yard"

Now you can build things.
First build "power plant","gas silo" and the " radar".
You can build something to duble tab select and click on the picture of building.
When the building is ready, you will see a "Green OK" thingy in the same picture.
Click on it and place your building.

To make money.
Find a "petrol tile" place a normal "derrick" or a "Mobile derrick" on it.
Most of the "petrol tiles" are arrounf your start point.
I always first find one and go with my hole group to it and build my "construction yard" there.
This is a pic:

When you do this you will geth money.
Don´t forgeth to make allot of "gas silo´s".

If think with this info you can play the game B)