Just entering this for anyone who wants to install games for the first time.You start the program called GP32 PC-Link Host that is in the gamepark folder in your windows start menu.make sure your GP32 is connected to your computer with the supplied USB cable and on the NOW WAITING mode before you run the GP32 PC-Link Host.now that the program is running and connected to the GP32,you will be able to install games(real easy once you get the hang of it) ok,it says GP32 and below it MY COMPUTER at the left top with the + sign next to it,double click on GP32 and it will open up the 5 folders inside the GP32 (GAME,MP3,GPSYS,GPMM and GPETC )the only two folders you are going to be using is GPMM and GAMES. all your .FXE files have to be copied to the GPMM folder only,use the GP32 PC-Link Host program to do this by double clicking on MY COMPUTER at the left and then double clicking on your hard drive icon,and so on until you get to the folder on your hard drive that has the .FXE files you downloaded to try on the GP32.once there,right click on one of the .FXE files and select COPY now go back to the top left and click on the GP32 icon and double click the GPMM folder,now the box to the right that displays what is in that folder should only have a folder with three dots as a name.with your pointer over any white area of that box,(not on the folder that is in there) right click and select PASTE. thats it,your .FXE file will now be copied to the gamepark,and all you have to do now to try it is shutdown the GP32 PC-Link Host program,unhook your USB cable and select game and then game launcher,you will now see the game you just installed and will be able to try it. there is also .FPK and .ZPK files for games,these are easier to install,just start the GP32 PC-Link Host again with your GP32 connected to your computer and at the top left,select the FILE menu and then select INSTALL,this will open up a small window that you can use to tell the program where the .FPK and .ZPK files are on your hard drive and just select one of these files and press open,the program installs everything for you.(remember,these .FPK and .ZPK files can only be done this way and if you were to copy them to the GP32 folder like you did with the .FXE files it wont work,you have to do it this way. one last thing you asked was about the DOOM game,you have the .FXE file and you install it just like i just told you to install .FXE files,but this is just the program that starts doom,you need the DOOM.WAD file (i found it by typing doom.wad file in a saerch engine pretty easy) this file is the actual PC game file and this gets put in the GAMES folder of the GP32 with the GP32 PC-Link Host program,just select this folder and then select the NEW icon above to create a folder and rename it DOOM.now find the DOOM.WAD file that you downloaded and do the same thing you do to copy the .FXE files,but COPY the DOOM.WAD file into the folder you just created in the GAMES folder. thats it,your ready to play doom,let me know how you make out, bye