Good interactive fiction?



GARGOYLE emulator looks good to me.

Where to find 'z' code roms is my ?

Thank you.
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The problem I have with the site is that there is no selection of generally agreed-upon "good" IF games.  There are "competition" subdirectories from here: but there don't seem to be competition winners or losers.
AllRoads.z5 is a winner of the 2001 IF competition . There are some brief mentions of other competition entries but yes I would prefer more specifics.
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I enjoyed BSE, winner of the 1996 AU IF competition. It's a fairly gentle introduction to the genre and full of British (i.e. daft) humour.

Also, I'd recommend Emily Short's games. Not as funny, but endlessly fascinating.
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A most excellent post, Moxie. Thanks so much!  I will now definitely play some IF again!
Varsågod :)

Be aware that Gargoyle doesn't only play Z-machine games (that is, Infocom/Inform games) - It also runs TADS, Level 9, Magnetic Scrolls and a bunch of others:

There is a treasuretrove of treasure out there :)