Good Encoders Advice Please??


Mar 29, 2003
Hi there, Ive been using Moviepark for ages with outstanding results and file sizes...

The thing is Im not sure whether to upgrade to cinema, firstly if I do then will moviepark be lost in translation???? :o)

also is cinema as versatile as Moviepark??? By this i mean does it a support all the codecs of MP??

Also, sorry I should search but I have burning eyes!

Are the file sizes the same, or larger?????

And finally, can I use the following software as i did for MP:

Lightning DVD decrypter: For the VOBs
VDUB (I guess this is a deffinate)

In depth help and stuff would be fantastic
thanks in advance
Never used MP but I assume any film you encoded for MP will work with GPcinema.It's like films on your pc-they will play on a variety of players.All GPcinema is is an upgrade from MP that plays up to 15 fps,overclocks to stop stuttery sound and gives a better control layout (i've heard the controls on MP wern't very good-in GPcinema the controls feel very well laid out.)
I had mp first, which meant the upgrade was less. All the films I had for moviepark worked fine in gpcinema. It is nice being able to have a higher framerate/bitrate, but I've still got a lot of things to get round to re-encoding. It is worth getting. I found by dropping the bitrate a bit, you can get 25 frames a sec without needing to overclock. Mine can overclock if I feel like it, but I don't like having to do it. Don't want to confuse the little guy if I can help it! Hope that helps. Jace
Confuse me??? :o)

WEll I think I will upgrade, but can i still have both apps on one smc???

Just in case??

And I think someone posted that cinema didnt support as much something (Codecs maybe)

cheers again for the help Fellow Gp users

Thanks woogle, that was my only big concern :o)

Let this post fizzle out now :o)

Thanks again for the help
