I've just released a new Gmu version.
The major changes since the last release, affecting the Dingoo version, are:
* New introduction/help screen explaining the most important functions and their button mappings
* Gmu now remembers the current track and position on exit and resumes on the next start at the same position (can be disabled)
* Dingoo: Support for the hold/lock switch has been added
* Dingoo: Support for the new OpenDingux kernel has been added
Downloads & release notes: Gmu 0.7.1

The major changes since the last release, affecting the Dingoo version, are:
* New introduction/help screen explaining the most important functions and their button mappings
* Gmu now remembers the current track and position on exit and resumes on the next start at the same position (can be disabled)
* Dingoo: Support for the hold/lock switch has been added
* Dingoo: Support for the new OpenDingux kernel has been added
Downloads & release notes: Gmu 0.7.1