Gmu 0.6.0 Released!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2005
Gmu 0.6.0 released!

Release highlights:

* Added support for various ADLIB tracker formats (such as A2M, ADL, AMD, BAM, CFF, CFM, DFM, DTM, HSC, IMF, KSM, LAA, LDS, etc.)
* Gmu can remember the selected volume on exit
* Added optional auto-play-on-startup feature
* Added image size check for cover graphics to prevent the GP2X from crashing when trying to load huge images
* Added feature to be able to load playlists directly from the playlist save dialog
* Some bugfixes


wejp said:
Gmu 0.6.0 released!

Release highlights:

* Added support for various ADLIB tracker formats (such as A2M, ADL, AMD, BAM, CFF, CFM, DFM, DTM, HSC, IMF, KSM, LAA, LDS, etc.)
* Gmu can remember the selected volume on exit
* Added optional auto-play-on-startup feature
* Added image size check for cover graphics to prevent the GP2X from crashing when trying to load huge images
* Added feature to be able to load playlists directly from the playlist save dialog
* Some bugfixes



nice a random play mode :)

any chance of being able to change volume in hold mode?

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Peter Swimm said:
peelie said:
any chance of being able to change volume in hold mode?

Already in there, go into gmu setup and toggle the option on. You can see the setting in the imagines on the gmu homepage.

super nice :)

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I really like the looks of this player. And with each rev of these many players, we get a step closer to my personal wishes for a gp2x-based media player.

- One that will resume at the same spot you left it. Not only the same track and playlist, but the same spot in the track.

That would make it just like most car cd players, most (if not all) portable mp3 players, and all cassette players (due their mechanical nature). I love this feature because I mainly do mp3's for books, which take about 10-15 hours each. So this is a must for me. Would it not be a simple matter of making a small write to SD upon exit (or when manually selecting a "bookmark" function if written). Even when I'm listening to music I often like to pickup right where I left off. Once one of our little homebrew players adopts this, I can finally retire my sansa, or at least not have to bring it to the airport, as my gp2x will be truly the all-in-one device (movies/games/music/ebooks)

Just a thought guys. And keep up the excellent work - this looks real nice.
clean_sandwich said:
the only thing this player needs is a fast forward and rewind ability.

then it would be the best!!!!
quote, i'd like an equalizer too :D Anyway, this is my favourite gp2x app for sure. I listen lots of music with my gp2x and i use only this fantastic tool. Thanks very much wejp
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Great work yet again wejp! I've never had a need for any other player after using this app. :) One request though. Would it be possible to have the option in playlist view to be able to 'page down' and 'page up' through the song list by using the right and left directions on the stick? (instead of them scrolling to read longer song titles). I realize this might not be useful for everyone, but with a playlist of 2GB, I have quite a few songs on it and many times, I have wanted to be able to locate a particular song quickly.

Thanks all for your nice replies!

prairiefire said:
Great work yet again wejp! I've never had a need for any other player after using this app. :) One request though. Would it be possible to have the option in playlist view to be able to 'page down' and 'page up' through the song list by using the right and left directions on the stick? (instead of them scrolling to read longer song titles). I realize this might not be useful for everyone, but with a playlist of 2GB, I have quite a few songs on it and many times, I have wanted to be able to locate a particular song quickly.

Actually this is already possible. You can redefine you key mappings like so:


When you do that, it should be just like you wanted it to be. If you don't want to edit you key mapping file yourself, you can also try the included pagescroll.keymap. You can choose the keymap file from the Gmu setup utility.

As for the fast forward/rewind: Yes, I will add that when I find some time to do it.
Maybe I will also add an equalizer, although it currently does not have the highest priority. The same is true for the suggestion to add the "continue at the same position where you stopped last time" feature - I see why this could be useful and I will probably implement that at some point.
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prairiefire said:
wejp said:
Actually this is already possible. You can redefine you key mappings like so:

awesome. donation sent! :D

Thank you very much! :)
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Hi Wejp, u have created a nice audio player :) Thanks!

I always thought how to improve the sound quality. It way not work but it is just an idea.

On one of the speakers have the treble and normal sounds and on the other speaker have the bass only. It could make cleaner sounds I think. Or maybe on both speakers have all the sound but in one of them the equializer is set to bass and the other to treble....

It is just an idea that probably wont work, what do you think?
the new loading a playlist from the save playlist screen feature doesnt seem to work. i try it and i end up with a bland playlist.

besides that noticed it can now be directly launched from gmenu even when in underclock mode. this is definitely my favorite gp2x music player and im always happy to see updates.

also some other things id like to see added/fixed:

some text on the botton goes past the edge of the screen so it isnt readable. some kind of word wrap or at least resizing of the text would be nice.

fast forward and rewind would be nice

Hi Wejp, u have created a nice audio player smile.gif Thanks!

I always thought how to improve the sound quality. It way not work but it is just an idea.

On one of the speakers have the treble and normal sounds and on the other speaker have the bass only. It could make cleaner sounds I think. Or maybe on both speakers have all the sound but in one of them the equializer is set to bass and the other to treble....

It is just an idea that probably wont work, what do you think?

I don't think this would improve the sound quality much (if at all), but would make it sound very strange when listening through headphones.

jbrodack said:
the new loading a playlist from the save playlist screen feature doesnt seem to work. i try it and i end up with a bland playlist.
Somebody else already told me about that. You are right, there seems to be a problem with that. It does not work when you've selected another directory within the file browser. Of course this is not the intended behavious and I will fix it with the next release.


besides that noticed it can now be directly launched from gmenu even when in underclock mode. this is definitely my favorite gp2x music player and im always happy to see updates.

also some other things id like to see added/fixed:

some text on the botton goes past the edge of the screen so it isnt readable. some kind of word wrap or at least resizing of the text would be nice.

I know what you mean and I have already thought about that. I don't want to make the text scroll to be able to read it all (too much moving things can be annoying after a while) and I don't want to have two lines of text either, which makes it difficult to solve the problem, I know. Currently I have arranged the text in a way that the less important parts come after the more important ones.


fast forward and rewind would be nice

Yes ;)
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