Gemrb : How to install BG and co, my guide.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010

What you need :

- Gemrb 0.7.1 :

- Baldur's Gate : I used my own copies (CDs and DVDs), but GOG version works.

- Baldur's Gate 2 : I used my own copies (CDs and DVDs), but GOG version works.

- Icewind Dale : I used my own CD copies, but GOG version works with bugs for me.

- Planescape Torment : I used my own CD copies, didn't try GOG version but it should work.

Installing Baldur's Gate :

Cd and DVD versions :

- install BG first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create bg1 directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Baldur's Gate in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1

- if you installed the CD version, you must copy the files from CD2/data and CD2/movies to sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1/data and sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1/movies

- do the same with CD 3, CD 4 and CD 5.

GOG version :

- install BG first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create bg1 directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Baldur's Gate in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1

If you did everything right, it should work.

- launch Gemrb on your Pandora, choose BG1 and ok. Tada....

Ok, but maybe you want to play widescreen don't you ? :D

You'll need Bigg's Widescreen mod here : http://www.fileplane...-Widescreen-Mod

Install it on your sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1 directory and launch it on your PC.

Here I chose 800 * 480, the resolution for the Pandora. No need for multiple resolutions.

Once it's done you can launch Gemrb and choose Bg1w.

It works but there's a black hole somewhere :D

Now we'll use TWM_GUI beta 0,994 to fix this. Find it here : http://athkatla.cob-...opic.php?t=3257

Install it on your sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1 directory and launch it on your PC.

Here I chose to install Bigger font (No3) and Lava Gui (optional).

And....tada !

Installing Baldur's Gate II :

Cd and DVD versions :

- install BG2 first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create bg2 directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Baldur's Gate II in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg2

- if you installed the CD version, you must copy the files from CD2/data and CD2/movies to sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg2/data and sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg2/movies

- do the same with CD 3, CD 4 and CD 5.

GOG version :

- install BG first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create bg2 directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Baldur's Gate in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg2

If you did everything right, it should work.

- launch Gemrb on your Pandora, choose BG2 and ok. Tada....

But !!! What's this ??? No problemo. We just have to adjust the resolution of the game.

You'll need Bigg's Widescreen mod here : http://www.fileplane...-Widescreen-Mod

Install it on your sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg2 directory and launch it on your PC.

And let's go !!

Installing Icewind Dale :

Cd and DVD versions :

- install IWD first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create iwd directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Icewind Dale in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/iwd

- if you installed the CD version, you must copy the files from CD2/data to sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/iwd/data

GOG version :

- install IWD first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create iwd directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Icewind Dale in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/iwd

I have bugs in full version of GOG, the characters don't appear. If someone can help me ;)

Installing Planescape Torment :

Cd and DVD versions :

- install PST first on your computer and run gemrb on your Pandora so that sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb is created.

- create pst directory in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb

- copy ALL files and directories of Planescape in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/pst

- if you installed the CD version, you must copy the files from CD2 CD3 and CD4 in sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/pst directory (root).

GOG version :

- should work like the others.

That's how it worked for me. If you have other tips, don't hesitate to comment :D
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Nice job !!

I want to highlight a different way to modify font size, HERE
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Very well made. ^^ Does this also all work with other languages of BG? I know there is a german BG version somewhere.

When you write: "Install it on your sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1 directory and launch it on your PC" does that mean I have to run it on the PC from my Pandora SD Card or must I run the WS and GUI fixer tools on the PC first and then copy all the altered data to the Pandora Version onto the SD?
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Very well made. ^^ Does this also all work with other languages of BG? I know there is a german BG version somewhere.

When you write: "Install it on your sd/pandora/appdata/gemrb/bg1 directory and launch it on your PC" does that mean I have to run it on the PC from my Pandora SD Card or must I run the WS and GUI fixer tools on the PC first and then copy all the altered data to the Pandora Version onto the SD?

Same thing, you can also do all the tweaks on the pc (install game, widescreen mod, GUI mod) and then copy all the files into the SD.

The only drawback can be that if you modify the files in the original installation directory, after the mods they will become almost useless if you want to play the game with the PC, so copying the game files in another directory (in this case in the SD) and patching them there will result in a perfect version for the Pandora leaving intact the original version for the PC
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I've not played any of them on Pandora (beyond just firing them up for Wow factor :) -- but I'd humbly submit that it depends on your personality; I prefer ICewind Dale myself, as you get a full party to assemble (not just one character with party pickups), and its more about combat; I really liked the turn based combat in these games, so IWD is just a good military grind for me.. the plot wasn't relevent :o

If you don't own many of these yet - search for "Baldurs Anthology".
Great guide. I like Baldur's Gate better than Icewind Dale. I'd start from BG1...

As for Icewind Dale bugs with GOG - expect its not finding some files. The paths its configured to look under are - I think that it looks under all these paths for any data file:









Probably the easiest way to find the problem is to run gemrb manually from the pnd (or configure it to log somewhere - can't remember what the pnd does by default) then you can see what files it is having trouble finding.

The widescreen mod doesn't seem to work for me, maybe it's an issue with the GOG version.
This is a great guide thank you for putting this together for us - its saved me gray hairs (more of) ;)

Just wondering - I have the gog version of Temple of Elemental Evil. Can the pandora run that too?
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The widescreen mod doesn't seem to work for me, maybe it's an issue with the GOG version.

I have the GOG version and I have no issues with it, have you selected "GemRB" when installing the Widescreen mod ?
Hi all,

haviing problems with this still -

I instal GemRB from the repo but when i run it on my panny it does not create a folder in appdata?

it just closes the window for choosing which game to run and goes back to desktop.

If i create the correct folders in appdata and follow the instructions it doeas just the same !

Any ideas please.

Thank you.



dont know wh

what changed there?
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I have the GOG version and I have no issues with it, have you selected "GemRB" when installing the Widescreen mod ?

Yep, did that. No dice, unfortunately.

The game still works though, so not a serious issue.
Okay, it seems I'm beset with unsmartness. I just noticed underneath Bg1 in the GemRB launcher, there is a Bg1w entry. Selecting that starts Baldur's Gate in widescreen.