Games that have actually spooked you..?


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
Just finished Scratches directors cut (I strongly recommend anyone who has enjoyed any of the games on my list to check this out NOW!)

..and haven't been spooked by a game quite so much since Amnesia the Dark Descent

Some of my other favourites in no particular order of preference are:

Project Zero 2 Crimson Butterfly

Condemned Criminal Origins

System Shock 2

Nightmare House 2 (Source engine mod)

Silent Hill 2

The Thing

Clock Tower 3

Thief 3 (Shalebridge Cradle Level)

Penumbra Black Plague

Hellnight/Dark Messiah (one of the best PS1 games nobody's played)

Clive Barker's Undying

Call Of Cthulhu DCOTE

Underhell (another Source mod)

what are your favourites..?
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I played the demo of amnesia and got creeped out and immediately stopped playing once I entered the winery area. I then bought the HIB a while ago, which included amnesia. I'm currently at the part right after you ride the lift down, and haven't been spooked once, though I must admit that bloody room where Daniel killed that girl was a bit unnerving to say the least.
have to agree with Project Zero 2, but I found the first more un-nerving! Pity Ninty seem to have bought the rights to PZ, restricting possible follow-ups.
I must admit, my definition of spooked is a bit different to everyone else's in this thread. I don't find games that are trying to be scary, to actually be particularly scary, myself (grim and/or disturbing just for the sake of it sometimes, yes, but that's not scary... At other times, just outright hilarious - I chuckled my way through Resident Evil 2's sudden "scares" because the timing of them was comically good), but very old games with abyss-like black nothingness for backgrounds used to scare the hell out of me in my younger years. It was so with a lot of C64 games, and it would scare me out of loading some of them at certain hours... :p
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Ken Kalish's masterpiece Phantom Slayer for the CoCo. I still jump every time I turn a corner to find myself face to face with a phantom, and the death sound plays, <shivers just thinking about it>
I love horror (books, films etc. etc.) and I love games like Resi, Silent Hill, Project Zero/Fatal Frame etc. but I've never found any game scary. Even Amnesia, played in the dark with headphones on - I found it tedious, not scary.

So, none.
Rainbow Six Vegas 2...

SUDDENLY! Terrorist sound corner with Spas 12. Or even better in co-op Terrorist hunt, suddenly team make spawn with ass covering your entire screen!

That is all.
Agreed. My friend decided to play this to test out his new surround sound setup for the PC. The sound of cans and pots being knocked over in the background makes you seriously paranoid.

The original Aliens on the PC was damn scary too. I couldn't even finish playing the demo version that I got with PCFormat magazine at the time. Strangely enough, the full game didn't scare me as much for some reason? :huh:
Eversion :p Well, not really spooked but it was nice nevertheless.


Watching videos of it will ruin the experience. Don't, just play.
In no particular order my favourites, which have all been named already :p

Call of Cthulhu DCotE... awesome story telling and very atmopheric, by now I have read most of Lovecraft's stories all thanks to that great game

Alien vs Predator the usual goodness of the franchise

Amnesia does it differently but highly effective

F.E.A.R. I honestly didn't expect to be frightened by a seemingly conventional shooter, I was wrong.

System Shock 2: well I love this game. The atmosphere is perfect. OccasionaI respawns, which I dislike in most games, add up to the feeling. I don't like Bioshock much, it lacks a lot of SS2 goodness.

Condemned.. yeah was quite depressing and claustrophobic, also all that melee instead of the safety of engaging at a distance

Operation Flashpoint has its moments, I especially remember the level that got you out in the woods all alone after something went wrong during recon, evading all those hostiles.

Games that feature sneaking generally have good genes to be frightening. So I name Deus Ex here.

Of course things popping out of the dark can shock you, too. But playing Doom 3 for example, you get to learn when to expect the next ambush. Dead Space does it better, also the necessity of dismembering adds to the difficulty and surprise factor, you can't count on something dropping dead after exactly n hits from a shotgun. The more room for play there is, the better.

I just finished The Walking Dead Episode 2. Not much gameplay there, but a highly entertaining interactive movie. Edit: with occasionally pretty graphic violence.

Edit2: Nightmare Creatures used to be scary and on PC there was Dark Seed.

Edit3: Some of the older titles are coming back to me

Realms of the Haunting

Alone in the Dark
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Theres this one iphone/ android game called dirt

This ones not really scary but it spooked me for some reason.

maybe its the random hangman's gallows, creepy music and other generally disturbing images and the like.

Also the entire premise of the game was that your a half dead cat corpse thing and you wander around digging through this endless underground limbo world thing.

Edit: Ok i just read the reviews of the game on itunes, apparently there is some disturbing stuff in the game files,

looks like im not sleeping tonite :)
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Of course things popping out of the dark can shock you, too. But playing Doom 3 for example, you get to learn when to expect the next ambush.

lol, yes...

hum, a fully lighted lobby... in 5 seconds the lights gonna turn off...

hum, wait there's a dark corner behind this fence, normally ennemy will spawn right behind me when I'll explore this deadend for the ammo pack lieing there...

doom3 could have been frightening, but it looks more like a joke to me

hum, I've bought Cthulhu DCotE but haven't found time to play it... I bet this one will frightening me.
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