Gameboy (color) Emulation


Nov 22, 2006
Been trying to get Gnuboy2x v.06 to run, but sofar it doesn't like my roms, or me :P
What gameboy emu do you guys run?
Amon_Re said:
Been trying to get Gnuboy2x v.06 to run, but sofar it doesn't like my roms, or me :P
What gameboy emu do you guys run?
I use Gnuboy 0.6 too. It works fine for me emulating the games. The only issues I have are the flickering menu (this is gone when the game starts) and random crashes at the menu screen if i have loads of roms on my SD card. I don't know what the limit is, but i do know if you put over 500 on there, it will crash when you scroll down through them all!

As far as i know Gnuboy is your best option for .gbc games on the 2X. Describe exactly what happens and where you put your roms etc. I know that version 0.6 works on my F-100, it would be interesting to see what the problem is. If you have a F200, can someone else please say of this emu works on that?
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Amon_Re said:
Been trying to get Gnuboy2x v.06 to run, but sofar it doesn't like my roms, or me :P
What gameboy emu do you guys run?

There is a small difference between 06 and 07, but I don't think your rom problems have anything to do with it.
You need to put the roms in /roms/gameboy or in the gnuboy2x directory in /roms
You can switch between the two directories with <> in the main menu (choose select)

[edit] The flickering is solved in this version SV :) and I am having a F-200 so that will not be the issue.

[edit-2] Happy hollidays to you as well SV, enjoy :)
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b_o_b said:
[edit] The flickering is solved in this version SV :) and I am having a F-200 so that will not be the issue.
Thanks b_o_b :) I'll check that version out. Hope you have a great time over the holidays!
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Holy smokes that's a nice holiday gift! Thanks mate! Almost makes me feel ungratefull for nagging to you :P

The only "bug" i noticed is that this new version still claims to be 0.6 ;)
This version does see my roms and loads them properly, thanks alot!