Game frontend such as attract mode


Active Member
Jan 22, 2011
Hola Pandonians,

How possible would it be to have a nice frontend like attract mode for the pandora:

Theres a linux version with source.

I would love to be able to index all games on my pandora into a frontend with screenshots, and launch them from that very same frontend.

Even better would be if a frontend could be integrated in switch gui, so that besides the regular desktop we can have a gui just for launching games.

Would it be possible to port attract mode, and let it launch games directly from it, whether it be a game or trough an emulator?

It would make the pandora a portable arcade.
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Did anybody look into emulationstation as used by RetroPie?

Also has a scraper and nice theming support.
I will probably, but after I finish attractmode.

I agree, it also looks nice, so if someone wants do it first, don't wait for me.
Wow, thanks a lot, il be sure to report anything i find.
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Btw, since version 1.4, attract mode also contains thegamesdb as a scraper.

Is that implemented in your beta?
Thats frontend is very promising, i have it on my pandora, but i desire screenshots and a scraper :)

Hopefully those features are planned.
Screen shots works if you put them by hand.

Scrapper need next version. I have to work on it.
Thanks PtitSeb, i am looking forward to it, but the comment was directed at thatgui who mentioned pandafe :)

I dont want to put any pressure on you, i saw how much work you have going on, but am looking forward to the update anyway ;)
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Indeed no screenshots yet, and no scraper either in pandafe.
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I've done a multi emulator frontend for OP a year ago, with screenshots and various configs for many emulators, but never released. It looks like mix of my DosBox EX and my as-well-not-released UAE4ALL EX Gui [ ]
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