I have this LCD test screen for the adjuster. The MonaLisa thing is quite useless for actually seeing what you are doing (sorry Leo'). This image seems more useful as you can judge greyscale gamma and the left side of the screen is black so you can see if that line appears. It was buried in another thread but I udated it to be more useful. I put number values so people can compare settings with a real value other than "mine is a little to the left" This really shows the interlace so it really helps tweak it.
Into a .gpu file in root, making sure the extensions are Unix (LF) (you can use Programmer's Notepad to do this).
Then make sure this image file below is in the root of the SD card:
cp /mnt/sd/set_lcd.png /usr/gp2x/imglcd/set_lcd.png
cd /usr/gp2x
exec ./gp2xmenu
Into a .gpu file in root, making sure the extensions are Unix (LF) (you can use Programmer's Notepad to do this).
Then make sure this image file below is in the root of the SD card: