GP32 Full screen possible ???????


Still Fresh
May 16, 2003
A few months ago I have read here about a bunch of LCD utilities that you can use to make the screen "stretch, shrink, rotate, ........, etc"
I think it was a set of instructions that adresses the LCD directly ! witch meens !!! zero CPU involment !!!
Is it possible to use this for full screen emulators without slowing them down ?????
It could be swiched on and off as an option !!!
What do the developers think ???
i've never noticed any slowdown while playing emulators in full screen. but thats just me.

w00t 200 posts!
Unless the screen has a CPU (which would be called a GFX card, and the GP32 doesn't have a GFX card, so I doubt it) I don't think that you could do that with 0 CPU involvment.... But can you find the functions?? That would be interesting...
Yes, the LCD buffer's address in memory is 0x0C7B4000, so you can treat it as a buffer of unsigned chars, but there's no way of addressing the LCD with "zero CPU invovlement". Perhaps you mean zero SDK involvement?
Sorry generalnmx and rcx21000, you are both sadly mistaken.

Mr. Spiv has made a few demos doing exactly what he is describing. It uses IRQs (very small) and DMA to change LCD buffer addresses. It actually *isn't* 0 CPU usage, but Spiv said it should be ~3% CPU, which is nothing, really.
Sorry generalnmx and rcx21000, you are both sadly mistaken.

Mr. Spiv has made a few demos doing exactly what he is describing. It uses IRQs (very small) and DMA to change LCD buffer addresses. It actually *isn't* 0 CPU usage, but Spiv said it should be ~3% CPU, which is nothing, really.

Yes I knew of those demos. He asked for 0% usage, so I thought he either was exaggerating, or speaking of the SDK. There is no way you can get 0% CPU usage in a computer when running a program.