Freeware / Homebrew Taking Off On 2x


Feb 19, 2006
Apologies in advance if I'm consuming valuable board space with a vague topic.

The recent surge in non-emulation software on the 2x is really slick. In the past, I've read comments from homebrew devs justifiably complaining that non-emulation 2x projects get little community interest. That seems to be changing with the recent surge in
- utils (e.g. oldplay, ommpc2x),
- popular portage (e.g. OpenBOR, Descent2x), and
- original handheld content (e.g. everything by Willems Soft; I like Waternet).

GP2X dev is hitting its stride. It's amazing to see so much open source software developed for AMD and Pentium-class PCs run smoothly on dual-ARM hardware. For its part, the user community has a rapid and reliable feedback loop to our devs. Both the dev and user community are maturing, with a broader appreciation of content, mutual encouragement, and mostly importantly, more stuff to play with B)

As long as GPH can remain in business (GP R.I.P.), good times are ahead.
This is exactly the same model the GP32 followed. Basically, after a point, there's nothing left to sensibly emulate. At that point, suddenly, people start making original games, which often turn out to be fantastic.

Why else would be want Spot to be as great as it deserves to be?
Homebrew hasn't just taken off, it's been there from the beginning it's just few people notice it when they're busy going OMFG over the latest emulator.
Very true...

Although tyhere were definitely some we all noticed. Tilematch springs immediately to mind (such a slick game, that...)
Tobriand said:
Why else would be want Spot to be as great as it deserves to be?
Thanks for reminding me. I'll have to take another look at that next weekend :)

I've been mainly catching up on recorded tv stuff this weekend (House, Heroes, 24, Bones, etc). Watched 4 episodes of House in one go :o
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hah! since somebody mentioned dr. house in the offtopic thread, I got interested and have been watching it on the computer. As I do not watch regular TV (only DVDs), I really don't follow what shows are on etc... so yeah, dr. house is probably more nihilistic than telco ;-)

I also enjoy the recent developments in homebrew. I am playing tower defense 2x frantically and I am really looking forward to alex TD game. That is going to rock!!! Also, Sokoban is one of my favorites and Clonk2x is really nice, too. I wonder if Daid would like to continue development on that, actually. I remember that he was going to implement a random level generator... I think I will pm him to see what's going on.
Tobriand said:
This is exactly the same model the GP32 followed. Basically, after a point, there's nothing left to sensibly emulate. At that point, suddenly, people start making original games, which often turn out to be fantastic.
Well in fact there is still ALOT that can be done in emulaton it is just that it has tapered off a bit.

Many things are still missing, un-finished and/or could use some optimising such as:

PC-engine, SNES, Vectrex, Atari 7800, Intellivision, Lynx, C-64, CPS1, GBA, etc.

But yeah there are alot of good homebrew projects.
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dexter does rule. but the only show i really watch is lost. i somehow lost the ir blasters for my that there's a cable box in front of it i need them, but i've been too lazy to order some. which is good, because i'm watching a lot less tv now.

on topic: yay homebrew!