Freedroid Rpg

you know that the classic freedroid's been ported, right? just in case you're a big fan and didn't realize it...parkydr ported it.
This is not possible. When I tried that long, long ago when I had an nVidia TNT2 videocard with 32MB of VRAM, it ran at about 1FPS. The GP2X will never be able to handle this.

Q: The game is *extremely* slow on my system running Windows and using OpenGL output.
A: It might be that you're using the OpenGL drivers that came with your
operating system from Microsoft. These drivers don't use hardware
acceleration and therefore are extremely slow. You'll have to download and
install a real OpenGL capable driver for you graphics card. Usually these
can be downloaded from the home page of the craphics card manufacturer.
Typically nVidia, ATI and others.
Note, that if you do absolutely cannot get OpenGL working reliably on your
system, you can still run the game in pure SDL output mode. For this, you
must either use a 'MS-DOS command line prompt' and type

freedroidRPG -n

inside this command line, or you can also make a link to freedroidRPG.exe
and then edit the link properties and add the -n after freedroidRPG.exe in
the link properties dialog box.
atomicthumbs said:
The GP2X will never be able to handle this.
That sounds like you are slapping a big fat challenge to most devvers around here :D
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ZeroPain said:

Q: The game is *extremely* slow on my system running Windows and using OpenGL output.

Funny, I was using it on Linux. With the proper drivers installed.
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atomicthumbs said:
ZeroPain said:

Q: The game is *extremely* slow on my system running Windows and using OpenGL output.

Funny, I was using it on Linux. With the proper drivers installed.
Q: The game is *extremely* slow on my Linux machine with OpenGL enabled.
A: The reason for this might be that you're using MESA. MESA gives horrible
performance and should be avoided. If you don't have hardware-accelerated
OpenGL on your system (because e.g. your graphics card manufacturer doesn't
make suitable Linux drivers), you might be much better off when disabling
OpenGL support altogether. For this, you can use command line switch -n,
i.e type

freedroidRPG -n

to start the game with OpenGL output disabled. Graphics will revert to
pure SDL mode, which is slower than real hardware-accelerated OpenGL
output, but that should still be a lot faster than using MESA or similar
software-emulation of OpenGL.
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