For sale: OpenPandora (rebirth), 512M, boxed, excellent condition.

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Still Fresh
Nov 9, 2011
Taken delivery in April 2012, used for about 10 hours since (to complete Monkey Island 2).

I ordered in 2010 and lots has changed then, including the amount of free time to potter around and play games, hence the sale :)

Excellent condition, boxed, carry case, stylus, 512M, 600Mhz, etc; will be posted from the UK.

Picture available here:

Payment to be via Paypal or bank transfer; postage upon receipt.

I like around £320 (plus postage) (I see they're sold for ~375 ish new so this seems like a good price), but would consider offers.

PM if interested.
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i would be interested if around €300 including postage
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Seany - that comes to £250 *excluding* postage. Too big a hit, sorry.


As £320 is too much it seems, even for a mint condition rebirth, offers for £290 (335 EUR) + postage now accepted.
Seany - that comes to £250 *excluding* postage. Too big a hit, sorry.


As £320 is too much it seems, even for a mint condition rebirth, offers for £290 (335 EUR) + postage now accepted.
how much is postage to bonn?
I'm surprised at the lack of interest in traded Pandoras on the board.

What's the price point to get mine into the hands of someone who'll use and enjoy it?  Make an offer (excl postage costs.)
According to, £149.99 is the going price.  It's less than half of what you were looking for though.
According to, £149.99 is the going price.  It's less than half of what you were looking for though.
GBAX is not really a reliable source.
As an interested buyer, it appears to be the one of the only places I've seen a price.  Do you mean a reliable source of Pandoras or a reliable source for a price?

If I can see that it has been on sale at £149.99, you can be sure that I'm only interested when it's around this price.
According to, £149.99 is the going price.  It's less than half of what you were looking for though.
GBAX is not really a reliable source.
As an interested buyer, it appears to be the one of the only places I've seen a price.  Do you mean a reliable source of Pandoras or a reliable source for a price?

If I can see that it has been on sale at £149.99, you can be sure that I'm only interested when it's around this price.
So Craig is still ruining EDs business, in this case with his fantasy prizes, for stuff he got from him for free to deliver them to the old preorderers?

Just ignore his lies and take dragonbox for correct data...
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According to, £149.99 is the going price.  It's less than half of what you were looking for though.
GBAX is not really a reliable source.
As an interested buyer, it appears to be the one of the only places I've seen a price.  Do you mean a reliable source of Pandoras or a reliable source for a price?

If I can see that it has been on sale at £149.99, you can be sure that I'm only interested when it's around this price.
So Craig is still ruining EDs business, in this case with his fantasy prizes, for stuff he got from him for free to deliver them to the old preorderers?

Just ignore his lies and take dragonbox for correct data...
Ok, I'm new here and I've clearly stumbled into something I'd prefer to stay away from.  I guess the correct price is what the buyers want to pay?
Ok, I'm new here and I've clearly stumbled into something I'd prefer to stay away from.
He is selling Pandoras he owes his old customers which paid for it years ago.

There is still the Dragonbox-shop and Ithic, these are the good guys.

I guess the correct price is what the buyers want to pay?
Not if it's under the production costs.
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Ok, I'm new here and I've clearly stumbled into something I'd prefer to stay away from.
He is selling Pandoras he owes his old customers which paid for it years ago.

There is still the Dragonbox-shop and Ithic, these are the good guys.

I guess the correct price is what the buyers want to pay?
Not if it's under the production costs.
Depreciation on used or refurbished goods has nothing to do with production costs.  In many cases, new devices which don't sell go for much less than the production cost.
I see this thread went in an (un?)expected direction.

A rebirth new from ED is 440 EUR/370 GBP; the 1GHz is 539 EUR/453 GBP.  I don't understand how (new) they can be sold at more than a 30% discount, so I don't know whether the site is a reliable data source.

Does Craig actually have any available at that price point, do you know?
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