Football Management Game


Still Fresh
May 29, 2003
Would a game like Champ Man 2 be hard to create for the GP32? I don't know of any open source cm2 style games but they can't be that hard to write from scratch can they?? I guess the players database would be the hardest thing but if someone could write a game that could read the cm4 database that would be sweet.

Anyway just an idea.
It's a good idea this kind of game, but i don't think anybody begin writing such game on GP 32 :o
Champ Man 2 or even 1 would brilliant on the GP32. The specs for these are so low too.

Champ Man is my favourite game of all time. :D
ive got champ manager 94
but its a 3 disk version with an hd installer on the first disk
ive not tried it nor im i likley to if u want email pm me ill send u it
Very kind offer, thank you. :)

I downloaded it from an FTP ready for use when I actually buy a gp32 :P (cash flow issues you see)