Flu 166 For Sale, Not Ebay, Good Condition.


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
I've got a great condition FLU; its been kept in a very nice case since I got it, and not heavily used since I'm too damned busy. I'd say mint condition. I've got the packaging, cable etc.

(I just got a BLU, so nolonge need the FLU)

I'm in Canada but can ship anywhere.. you pay for shipping :)

Let me know if you're interested.

I'm basicly looking for $110USD for it, which I think is reaosnable (form seeing a few ebay auctions), though since I've not been in te market to sell a GP32 in a year or two, I may be off my rocker :) I can include a maybe-working SMC (someone gave it to me, but never used). For shipping to UK I don't know off the top of my head, but I'd be it'd be another $15USD at a guess.


Let me know if this isn't in the norm :)
If you still has this in a week i might be interested. Or if you want to trade. I have a Compaq Ipaq 3850 with 128mb SD card and aluminum case for trade.
Why in a week? You can make your offer now :)

I don't need another PoPC, but a trade of something else could be workable, though I've got most of what I'm looking for ;) If you've got a pile of Atari Lynx carts I could be interested, or perhaps I'd take a lowly Nintendo DS or something ;)

Wish i had something to trade but nah. Reason in a week is im selling my pocket pc on ebay so im pretty much broke til then.
I've got a GG already; I've also got a NGPC but only a few games. But theres not a lot of good games for that platform, so I thibk cash is better in that case :)


TG16 and Atari Lynx carts would be interesting though
iv got a game on the atari 2600.

its "joust" in mint condotion still in its original casing, still in plastic sleeve, never opened. :)
i'll buy it. accept paypal? Also, does it come with the original box and everything? I'll need to know so I don't sell my non lit with the box and stuff if yours doesn't have the box.
Can't use paypal, sorry. (I never trusted them early on, so I've got a CC-only account with them, and dont' want to set anything up :P)

I've got original box and cable and instructoins et al.

Where are you located?

If its a cheque, I'd have to wait for it to clear (which would take a week or two likely); if you did a MO, I could send it as soon as I get it.

OKay so $110USD + shipping; to PA I don't know, but we can call it $12USD shipping; if its more than that I'll swallow the extra.

Is that what you're agreeing to?

If you're *firm* let me know and I'll call it a closed deal and send you my address for sending the cheque or MO to, and you can't welch out :) If you're not firm, let me know so I can entertain others too :)


done deal. Send me your address, pm me, and i'll get a money order out to you, i'll be able to hit the bank after work today and possibly send it today as long as i can get to the post office before it closes.