Flash Player


Mind the world, need for panic
Apr 2, 2006
The Netherlands
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I'm learning to create games in Flash at the moment and I'm willing to create some games which also are GP2X compatible even though my GP2X will be sparksterz's soon :)

So I need a couple of things to know;

-1) How high can the framerate be to run at full speed? (I want to use 25 if possible)
-2) What is the maximum/average filesize to let the game load within a fast time?
-3) Which keyboard buttons are used for the D-Pad and all the other buttons on the GP2X?
-4) Which Flash version needs to be used? (I use version 8)
-5) Is it possible to load MP3's not from the .swf only?

That's all for now. I also need some testers since I can't test on my GP2X anymore. It's on it's way to New York at the moment.


1) Too slow.
2) No idea.
3) I don't think they are yet.
4) Highest version supported is Flash 7.
5) No idea.

Quite frankly, it's impractical to write Flash games for the GP2X right now.
Ah ok, thanks for clearing that up. I'll still be arround on these forums for a while. So if flash will be fully supported someday soon, you can expect a game from me ;)
PokeParadox posted on Feb 13 2007 at 08:19 PM said:
In the meantime you could make games for the Wii in Flash... Don't know if you have a Wii or not though...

Is that possible for real?! I'll get one as soon as I've the money if it's true what you say.
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