First they sue em then they hire em


Still Fresh
Jun 6, 2003
SE London
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"According to ZDNet Japan, Sony Computer Entertainment has started recruiting experienced emulator programmers to work as regular or contract employees. The qualifications required for the position include experience in the development of emulators, experience with Just-in-Time Compiler, and knowledge of CPU micro-architecture. Some experience in video game debugging is also preferred. While SCE has not explained its motives for the recruitment, there is speculation that the company may be planning to run an emulator on it next-generation game console, the PlayStation 3, for backward-compatibility with previous PlayStation consoles. "

source :
Microsoft did a similar thing with its new Server 2003 / Longhorn, recruiting "experienced UNIX coders who are familiar with shell scripting". Presumably to beef up the limited DOS batch file syntax.
I'll have to write my own emulator one day, maybe a chip 8 as theres tutorials for that.

Tried a port but it was well hard.
This sort of thing is not exactly new. Awhile back there was somthing called the sega smash pack for the dreamcast. It played old genesis games on the dreamcast. After its release some one hacked it and found out that it was acctually just a genesis emulator that sega had made. The hackers created a menue for it and then released it on the web. You could then just use regular genesis roms with it which was pretty nice. Not all of the games ran perfectly but alot of them were full speed with full sound. I thought it was pretty interesting that sega had acctually created an emulator for its old games to run on its most recent console.
Actually SEGA hired the emu author to port his emu to the DC. I can't remember which one, but it was one of the more popular ones.