First In The American Midwest...


Active Member
Jun 27, 2010
Milwaukee, WI, USA
got mine 2 days ago... had to update to HF5. Having trouble getting bluetooth audio working (somebody should compile bluez-alsa.. :P). Chromium crashes pretty often, but I'll live with that for now... Been using my Virgin Mobile wifi 3G modem with it and it's pretty decent for on-the-go use... can't figure out where the linphone config file is, but will figure it out eventually (don't get the password prompt like I thought I was supposed to). Otherwise, GREAT! So glad I finnaly got one... but wanted to make sure it worked/ was real before posting... It still qualifies as a "ghost device" for so many of us around here... Add me to the ranks of happy owners out there...
going by the topic, i thought he was talking about the 3ds, cause youre quite far away with the pandora
ok, fine... :P I can handle being corrected...

I'm sure that I'm first in SOMETHING revolving around this, but I'm not gonna nit-pick about it. :D
I was the first actually as I had the prototype before any orders were shipped, but maybe that shouldn't count ;)
Bragging or not... I'm just happy to finally have one in my hands... now to work out a few kinks in the pipeworks and I'll be almost completely satisfied with my purchase. Hoping HF6 has more Bluez related updates/fixes/features. It's one of the only areas I'm not truly satisfied with as things are... but this is a living WIP, so I'm not all that unhappy about things... :P
ok, I'll relinquish the title that I never had in the first place... all I wanna know is if there's anybody in Wisconsin who wants to have some head2head Pandora action on any of the net-based (or "system-linked", if their are any yet) games... I actually kinda feel weird being the only person in my city with this thing... I know I can be bleeding edge when it comes to tech toys, but still...

side note:
What would be REALLY cool is a program that could tell when another pandora was in range of the wifi or bluetooth (as long as it's on) and notify you of that... Probably won't make much of a difference at this point, but as popularity picks up... (speaking of such, I hope the PSP project gets some real headway soon, I'd love to get some of my buddies who think PSP is so great to see me playing their games on a non-PSP! :D Then direct them to the order page for the Pandora! :P
Custom Processing Unlimite said:
I actually kinda feel weird being the only person in my city with this thing...

There's a reason for that. ;)
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Ha you aren't even the first in Milwaukee with a Pandora, I got you beat by about 2 months.

Although I'm currently staying in nearby Waukesha until I'm ready to transfer to a bigger University.

Anyway if you want to hang out for some gaming someday shoot me a PM and we can schedule something, would be novel to actually see someone else in real life with a Pandora!

- trix
So you beat me, huh... HAHA

Guess that's proof that plenty of Pandora owners don't really "out themselves" around here (until otherwise given reason to do so :P)...
And then there's me (Oshkosh Area) I ALWAYS talk about it hahaha I even got 2 of my cousins to place orders for one too :D
Was supposed to get mine while living in Beloit,
but none the less recieved it after I moved to the Phoenix area :)Bud