This one buggered me for quite some time and dates still back when GPH offered their GP2x as their main unit.
Has it been attempted so far to ask or persuade GPH officials to release (parts) of their launcher application or their flash player binary to a source-code release, probably under the hood of an OSS license like gpl or apache?
Would they at least listen to if asked kindly? My only experience back in this field was a taiwanese IC company offering a chipset for usage in SDIO (here: sd cards with built-in WIFI) cards. They acknowledged the request but did not plan to do so or were even unable to do because with property issues with 3rd parties. Which might be the case with the flash player (i'm unsure on which terms they stand with adobe, however their (adobes) main intention *should be* to get it running in good health on as many platforms as possible)
Has it been attempted so far to ask or persuade GPH officials to release (parts) of their launcher application or their flash player binary to a source-code release, probably under the hood of an OSS license like gpl or apache?
Would they at least listen to if asked kindly? My only experience back in this field was a taiwanese IC company offering a chipset for usage in SDIO (here: sd cards with built-in WIFI) cards. They acknowledged the request but did not plan to do so or were even unable to do because with property issues with 3rd parties. Which might be the case with the flash player (i'm unsure on which terms they stand with adobe, however their (adobes) main intention *should be* to get it running in good health on as many platforms as possible)