Lawl, upon further examination the archive would be 4.4 MB SMALLER if they left out the 4000x4000 pixel GP2X photo you can't even view.

Also a lot of the buttons don't seem to be bound to anything, like L+R so if you go into T-Mode, you can't get out. Still, I guess the new skin features and fading/etc are nice enough to have, but they're hardly what GPH needs to be focusing on, especially if it takes them such an ungodly amount of time to develop these things.
The CPU Clock adjust option is probably turning on/off the automatic switching of 920T clock when in the menu. Character Set .. well you can sort of take that at face value I suppose, but I can't think of where it'd be useful, I guess the 'e-book' reader is affected by it.
I hope the MMU hack is implemented as a kernel module like Craig had mentioned, but it was supposed to be an option you could turn on/off. If it's not in the menu, it probably isn't implemented at all.