Alex. Retired Joined Aug 24, 2005 Messages 4,616 Dec 8, 2006 #41 I'm pretty sure you can script Fenix's speed, I think Quiest does that in his Minigame project, there are three or so scripts that launch at different levels of OC. - Alex
I'm pretty sure you can script Fenix's speed, I think Quiest does that in his Minigame project, there are three or so scripts that launch at different levels of OC. - Alex
X XaMMaX90 Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 216 Dec 8, 2006 #42 Hm, really? Then i was wrong sorry =) I don't know it =\
X XaMMaX90 Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 216 Dec 8, 2006 #43 I try this Code: #!/bin/sh cd runtime ./fxi ../firewhip/firewhip.dcb -nosplash -s50 sync cd /usr/gp2x exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu And i try underclock from gmenu, but seems it reset clockspeed =(
I try this Code: #!/bin/sh cd runtime ./fxi ../firewhip/firewhip.dcb -nosplash -s50 sync cd /usr/gp2x exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu And i try underclock from gmenu, but seems it reset clockspeed =(
Alex. Retired Joined Aug 24, 2005 Messages 4,616 Dec 8, 2006 #44 The 266 script from TMP: Code: #!/bin/sh cd runtime ./fxi ../data/mp.dcb -nosplash -s266 sync cd /usr/gp2x exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu - Alex
The 266 script from TMP: Code: #!/bin/sh cd runtime ./fxi ../data/mp.dcb -nosplash -s266 sync cd /usr/gp2x exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu - Alex
X XaMMaX90 Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 216 Dec 8, 2006 #45 So, why it is don't work? I did it like in TMP but firewhip still work perfect =\